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Tyler Waltman ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.


Meet Tyler Waltman! He’s a sophomroe here at TAMU, loves soccer and his school.

Get to know this studly stud!

HC: What is your major?

Civil Engineering

HC: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

It’s looking like I might end up working as some type of engineer at BP (I’m hoping). There’s a lot of traveling involved but I’d try to stay in Houston as much as possible and try to live near my parents.

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Well I’m hoping by 10 years that my future self  will have made some type of app and made a fortune off it. In which case I’d like to have an early retirement and settle down and raise a family.

HC: If you didn’t want to be an engineer, what would your dream/fantasy job be? (ex. actor, clown, race car driver,etc)

I always wanted to be a professional soccer player. I used to always go out  and play in my backyard when I was younger and whenever I would kick the ball around by myself I would try and think of what kind of chants the fans would make about me. I’d be making a lot of money and doing something I love so it’d be the perfect job. Elbow model comes in a close second though.

HC: If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you bring and why?

Well I guess if I’m going to stay there forever I would take a loaded gun to hunt wild boar with. I’d also take a box of matches for a fire to cook and keep and warm. I guess the last thing I would take would be an ax to cut down trees with so I could use the wood for shelter or something like that. What would most likely happen though is that I just light an SOS signal and sleep on the beach until someone flew over and got the message

HC: What superhero would you be if you had the choice?

Superman. He apparently does about everything you could want. He flys, heals himself, has super strength, shoots lasers, and in the cartoon I used to watch he didn’t even wear a mask and still no one knew his true identity. So I could be him and pretty much do whatever I wanted and no one would even trace back to me.

HC: Emma Watson or Emma Stone?

Emma Watson–easily. I was going to go more in depth about why but it really isn’t necessary. I’ll just leave it at that.

HC: What is your favorite A&M tradition?

Silver Taps. I think it’s truly something that it’s done for every student that passes away. The fact that those students aren’t just forgotten about shows how much the school really cares about their Aggie family.

HC: What has been your favorite memory of A&M so far?

There’s been a couple moments that were pretty good and picking this one is going to sound really nerdy. Last semester we had to build this ridiculous robot for engineering out of Legos that could read files off a box using black and white boxes, identify what type of file it was, send the file to the other robots, then pick up the box, navigate around the other boxes and robots and take it to the correct bin. Of course, no group that I know of managed to get their robot to do all those things. My group and I were working on it one night in the computer lab until 2 in the morning when we all just broke down and gave up on it. We ended up just staying up the whole night messing around, watching videos online, and talking about the most random things. I didn’t really think of it much at the time since we were all deep down frustrated about the robot, but looking back it was one of those nights that you just never forget.

HC:  And finally….relationship status?

Single and ready to act really awkward and nervous around anyone I find attractive.

Erum Salam is a student at Texas A&M and an aspiring writer and producer. Her vast experience in television, radio, and print has prepared her for the rapidly converging career path she wants to pursue. She aims to write and produce content that will educate and entertain a global audience. She believes Her Campus offers young women a platform to vocalize their thoughts on contemporary issues facing us today, while also providing hilarious content in the form of listicles, blog posts, or quizzes that surely resonates with the female millennial demographic.