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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and while for some people this day is full of celebrating love, for those who are not in relationships it can be a day where you have to see happy couples everywhere. While in reality it is just another day of the week, it can be fun to gather up some of your single friends (or have a day to yourself) and make yourself feel good. After all, Valentine’s Day is about love and who better to love than yourself? Here are just a few ideas of what you can do to still have a good time without a date.

  1. Euphoria Makeup

While this was more of a trend when the show first came out who says you can’t still do it. If you are in the Bryan/College Station area there is even a carnival in town where you can go create that iconic scene from the first season. Plus, it will give you a reason to post how hot you are.

2. Binge Old Rom-Coms

One of my personal favorite things to do with my roommates. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Life as we Know It, When in Rome; there are so many options all on streaming devices. Plus, we love a good love story.

3. Wine & Charcuterie Board

If you are of age of course, crack open a bottle of your favorite wine and make a charcuterie board. What is better than wine and cheese???

4. Take Yourself on a Date

Who says you need to be in a relationship to go to a nice place to eat?? Grab some friends or even go alone, put on that outfit you have been wanting an excuse to wear, and treat yourself! There is nothing better than a good night out with your besties.

5. Self-Care Night

If you are in the mood to just do nothing, put on your favorite playlist, make yourself a bubble bath, and use that face mask. Taking care of yourself is so important, and a stress-free night can be some of the best nights.

These are just a few ideas of what you can do to have a good time this February 14th. Who needs a relationship anyways?? Of course if you do have a significant other, I hope you have the best night. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone.

Houston, Texas music enthusiast