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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

The difference is astonishing, my love.

Our temperament, ideals, and standards are opposing forces.

I, a ball of fire; You, a dove.

Our beauty, eyes, lips, even our voices.

Nothing is the same except this one feeling: love.


We are opposing by nature, even down to our signs.

But this difference doesn’t have to be a hundred-pound anchor.

I am the flower on your ever-giving vine.

You are the place I run to when I am lost, my harbor.


If I am a star, then you are the sun, forever shining brighter.

You are the light in my waking darkness.

You, the muse; I, the writer.


Will this difference allow our love?

Can we love when we are opposing forces?

Nothing is alike, even down to our voices.

We’re so different, my love.

Passionate about writing, photography, and travel and am currently studying architecture at Texas A&M University.