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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

I have struggled with acne a majority of my life. It started in middle school, which is the beginning for most people, and has been a never-ending battle ever since. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on face wash, pimple patches, and toners – basically anything a skin care guru can think of. While it’s taken me a few years to find the products that help me work against breakouts and scarring, I’ve also been on a journey of rebuilding my self confidence.

My journey of dealing with acne-prone skin has taught me so many things, but the greatest lesson that I’ve learned is that accepting my skin for what it is will always be the most important step in my routine. Piling on face masks and brightening cream can change the way my acne looks, but not how I feel. If I view my skin critically, staring at it in the mirror and picking apart every “flaw”, of course I’m going to feel unhappy with how I look. My skin would be the only thing I think about. But, if I take a step back and remind myself that there’s only so much I can do with my skin care routine, I realize that my acne doesn’t have the right to define how I feel about myself.

It might be a cheesy lesson to learn, and if you deal with acne I’m sure you’ve been told that acne doesn’t define you. It’s an easy thing for people to say. However, during my journey, I’ve realized that the statement holds some truth to it. Happiness doesn’t just come from having clear skin. And although it’s tempting, there is so much more to my life than staring in the mirror and picking myself apart. I am more than my blemishes.

Ava Popovits is a first year member of Her Campus. As part of the Public Relations Committee, she has the opportunity to write press releases and handle merchandise. She is eager to gain experience in the professional world and work alongside some pretty talented people, all while forming lifelong friendships. Outside of Her Campus at TAMU, Ava is a freshman at Texas A&M studying Communication with the goal of working in Public Relations or Crisis Communication. She is a proud member of the TAMU Swiftie Society where they discuss all things Taylor Swift and her continuous impact on pop culture. In her free time, Ava enjoys listening to music and trying out different dessert recipes. She loves to travel; she has been to four other countries and hopes that the list continues to grow.