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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Taylor Swift has been my top artist for almost 3 years now, and I still feel like a relatively new fan simply because of how much she has accomplished. At only 33 years old, Taylor is dominating the music industry with her 12 Grammys, 10 albums, and her numerous other awards. I often go through phases of my favorite artist, but Taylor is by far the longest I’ve ever simply adored an artist.

Her lyricism

Taylor’s lyrics are where her art and creative talent shine. She knows how to express emotions in such a way that resonates with millions of people with all different life experiences. I personally am a lyrics girl, and her songs never fail to make me feel seen. With her poetic lyrics ranging from “It’s obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together” to “Too young to know it gets better/I’ll be summer sun for you forever,” I have always found myself resonating with every single one. I could honestly make a whole list of my favorite lyrics from her songs because she writes so eloquently. She has a way of understanding girlhood so well, and I can’t help but scream and sing every song because of it.

Her relatability

While none of us are millionaires or selling out multiple stadiums on tour, Taylor still feels so relatable. This could be because of her personal lyrics or the way she interacts in public at award ceremonies, but she still feels like a real human being. It’s so common for celebrities or artists to become popular and then go into hiding or live a very luxurious life in secret. While I do think Taylor is living lavishly, she still makes an effort to appear in public even when all the cameras are on her. First, she still makes TikToks about how much she loves Fall, we can still see her make mistakes in the public eye. Furthermore, she wears clothes that I would wear, albeit with a way higher price tag. Most importantly, she enjoys her public life as much as her private life, and because of that, I feel that she isn’t on some high pedestal far away from the rest of us. She’s human just like us.

Her strength

While I wasn’t a Swiftie back in 2016 when she was hated by the public, I have looked a lot into what she went through. Her documentary, “Miss Americana” really put into perspective everything she was going through in that time, and how she was able to reclaim it. Even now, she is criticized for things simply for being a woman in the public eye. There are so many woman role models out there, but as a young girl finding her strength in words, I gravitated toward Taylor instantly. She has so much strength in dealing with public critics and paparazzi. Additionally, she has been releasing new music so frequently that I sometimes wonder how she has time for anything else; it’s visible that she puts a lot of effort into her craft, and I admire that.

I also can’t forget to mention her physical strength during her Eras Tour! I’m honestly not sure how she can do her 3-hour shows and not display any fatigue, only joy! I definitely was exhausted after attending her concert, and I can’t imagine doing that 3 days in a row!

At this point, Taylor has become my favorite artist of all time, and I’m always happy to spread Swiftie energy to others. On that note, remember to stream 1989 (Taylor’s Version) on October 27!

Emily Velez is a member of the Writing and Editing Committee at the Her Campus at TAMU chapter. She writes about her experiences and anything that is on her mind. She tends to lean towards topics that discuss Texas A&M or being a college student, but you will also find articles that deal with entertainment. Emily makes several references in her articles to other things going on in her life, but she often references Taylor Swift or a lyric to her latest favorite song. Emily is a sophomore at Texas A&M, majoring in English with a minor in Professional Writing. She is in a women's organization and tries to be as involved on campus as she can be. Her plans for the future are to either become a technical writer, copywriter, or publisher. However, Emily wants to keep her doors open to any opportunities that arise. In her free time, Emily loves to read, write, and crochet. She recently completed a tote bag and has started on a new journey of trying amigurumi. She loves listening to Taylor Swift, and she knows many of her songs by heart. She also adores anything related to Snoopy, so you will often find her with some sort of Snoopy merchandise.