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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMUSA chapter.

Everyone is on the edge of their seat with the upcoming presidential election in November. Our country’s future is in jeopardy, especially women’s rights. The passing of Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg has brought uncertainty for single moms, women in college, business women, and all other women in between. All who were impacted by the decisions made by Ginsberg. If I was running for Congress, I would be just like “The Notorious RBG.”


The first on my list to advocate for would be eliminating the “Pink Tax.” The tax is additional fees on women hygiene products such as deodorant, razors, shampoo and conditioner. The hygiene products are nearly the same in the ingredients and what the product is used for. The only difference is the color of the packaging and who it’s marketed to – can you guess what gender pays more? 


Secondly, I’d advocate for food stamps for single parents and struggling families, particularly for women. In 2015, there were 25.6 million women on food stamps and the number keeps increasing, especially during our current economic stage. In 2019 the Trump Administration has declared a ruling to take away food stamps from 700,000 people in this country, saving the government $5.5 billion dollars over a five-year period. The government cares more about saving money than saving kids and adults from going hungry, and providing for their families. Republicans want pro-life but aren’t willing to fight for the kids that are currently living in this country. 


Last, but not least, women’s health rights is a vital pillar to my platform. I strongly believe women have a choice and right to have an abortion and make any health decisions for themselves. A man should not have the authority to take that away from women or alter it in any way, either a partner or the government. I would fight to keep Planned Parenthood funded, for safe abortions, affordable birth control, and for women to have access to mental health resources and many more. 


This upcoming election – or any election – should not have women terrified for rights to be taken away. Women’s rights should not be determined by who we vote into office. I hope one day to run for congress, to advocate and to fight for women’s rights and equality.

Lauren Mayes


My name is Lauren, I major in Communications with a minor in Business. My dream jobs are Director of Communications for a NBA team or the Press secretary for the White House.
Lanie is a junior at Texas A&M University-San Antonio majoring in Communications with a minor in English. She is a passionate journalist with interests in lifestyle, entertainment, and enjoys creative writing on the side. When she's not typing away on her computer, you can find her updating the Her Campus TAMUSA Instagram page or reading a book. To discuss her wild conspiracy theories, you can reach her at lpere034@jaguar.tamu.edu or @lanielovee on Instagram.