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Affordable Ways to Make a Date Memorable (from a girl in a three year relationship)

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Dating can be expensive, especially when you’re in college. Fancy dates are expensive and doing the same thing every time can feel mundane after a while. As some big sister advice from a girl in a three year relationship, here are a few affordable ways to make your dates more memorable.

Disposable Camera

A disposable film camera can be an amazing way to make an anniversary or important day memorable. It allows you and your partner to capture moments intentionally. Plus, you get to have physical photos afterwards and a little time capsule of the day you spent together. Besides, everything looks better on film.

Making Food

Making food together is a great way to feel close to your partner, and makes staying in the perfect date. You get to find a rhythm of working together and learn more about each other along the way. Play some music, dance around the kitchen together and have your perfect rom com moment. If you and your partner aren’t the best cooks, you can always bake something from a box. In my experience, cinnamon rolls, cookies or brownies can still be just as fun. 

At-Home Movie Date

If you have a projector you can have a movie date from home (full credit to my boyfriend for surprising me with this one). Buy a few boxes of candy, make popcorn and set up a sheet or projector screen for the movie theater experience. It can be done outdoors or indoors, just make sure to set up somewhere comfortable with some pillows and blankets for the two of you.


Did you know plenty of local museums have student pricing? For less than $15 each, you and your partner can have so many new places to explore. Guided tours are usually only a few dollars more and are a great resource to learn the context for each piece. If you think you’re not a museum person try making it a game. Bring some paper and recreate the art with crayons or imitate the people in each portrait.


For the warmer months, you can never go wrong with a picnic. Pack some sandwiches,snacks and a blanket and then head to your nearest park. Besides, being at the park means you can transition into another activity with only a tiny bit more prep. A quick game of soccer can be a fun addition to your date and one of you probably has a soccer ball somewhere in your garage. For the artistically inclined, art supplies can elevate a simple picnic into an intimate paint and sip.

Your dates should be centered around experiences, not purchases. It doesn’t have to be elaborate as long as you’re doing something together. One of my favorite dates involved taking my musician boyfriend to Guitar Center so we could play the guitars together, and I can’t even play guitar! As long as you are creating a fun experience, your dates will be memorable.

Hi! I'm a Journalism and Professional Writing and Communications: Digital Filmmaking and Television double major at The College of New Jersey. I'm the president of TCNJ Lion's Television. I've always had a love for fashion and clothing design.