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Betches Love This and So Should You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

If you aren’t familiar with the website Betches Love This, I find it best you start re-evaluating your life as a collegiette.

The website touches on all topics pertinent to the life of a betch. If you are already a betch and you cruise the site, you will no doubt find yourself asking, “Wow, is this my life or is this my life?” If you aren’t a betch but still venture onto the site, you will soon be strategizing on how you can achieve the prestigious rank that is betch status.

“What is this so called ‘betch’ you speak of,” you might ask? In layman’s terms, a betch is the girl whose presence demands attention and who all other girls strive to emulate.

Based on the site, the TCNJ equivalent of a betch would be the girl strutting through Alumni Grove genuinely not paying any mind to the little people gazing at her in awe. If you have a class with her, she is the girl whose natural aura is generated by her certainty that she is the best thing since sliced bread. Her life parallels a staged reality show where there is just enough drama to make her life interesting, yet not so much where she needs to get bent out of shape and actually care.

Most importantly, a betch says what’s on her mind, doesn’t let inhibitions hold her back and ultimately owns any situation.  If you find yourself lacking in one or more of the aforementioned, I encourage you to take heed of the principles and morals put forth by this website. But just remember, many try but few succeed at being a betch.

On the website you will find The Betch List. The list is a master compilation of topics that comprises every betch’s life. Some relevant topics for you collegiettes are “Starbucks”, “Giving Dirty Looks”, “Expensive Workout Clothes”, “Hummus”, and “Naps”. With each topic there is a blog post describing the place it holds in the world of a betch. For example, in the post about “Naps” we realize they are important because, “As betches, our lives are often jam packed with parties, activities, travels, shopping, and tanning. At the end of the day we’re only human and these events will often wear us out.”

Other than The Betch List, you will also find Advice, Gossip, Fashion, Entertainment, and basically any other facet of the betch lifestyle. With so much to know and learn about being a betch, it is definitely hard to keep up. This website will undoubtedly open your eyes to how important of a role these women play in our society. After all, it may be a man’s world, but it wouldn’t rotate without betches.

Caution: Acting like a betch in a real life may not always give you the desired result of being treated like a direct descendant of Queen Elizabeth and instead, might lead to public mocking, ridicule and overall shame.

Not only can you visit the website www.betcheslovesthis.com, you can also follow “The Betches” on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


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I am a Sophomore Journalism major at The College of New Jersey.