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Drinking Lessons from Texts From Last Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.


Our college years are about making memories with friends we will never forget.  But while making those memories, we might encounter a few nights that we will never remember.  We may drink one too many drinks, swap spit with someone who magically turned into someone else by sunrise and may even text our parents thinking they were our BFFs. So before going out tonight, tomorrow or this weekend, HC TCNJ is here to give you advice on not embarrassing yourself while you’re intoxicated – and Texts From Last Night is here to help.

(319): You can see my drunken state get worse with each picture.

Throughout the night, you and your friends are going to want to document everything from the cute outfit you wear and the first drink of the night to the moment you decide you cannot wear your heels anymore and that the bathroom might actually make a great bedroom for the night. 

Remember that when you drink, your perception is impaired. Leave the cameras at home to prevent taking embarrassing photos of yourself.  Also, I am sure your Facebook friends – even those who have never met you – want to see how your night went, but trust me, future employers do not.  Save your rep and don’t upload.

(727): I don’t understand why she gets annoyed by my drunk texts. It means she’s who I’m thinking about even when my brain isn’t functioning properly.

Now whether you’re the one receiving the drunk texts or the one sending them, remember that a drunken mind speaks a sober heart…and your secrets will no longer be private.  Drinking alcohol is like a truth serum and we end up telling people things – via text and in person – that we would never have told them before. 

To prevent drunk texting your ex, you’re mom or your boss, try downloading Text Hold’Em, an app for the iPhone and the Android that will help prevent you from making any mobile mistakes.

(+61): And I’ll likely end up sleeping in a bush wrapped up in my poncho.

Once the night is over, many go back to their dorm rooms or apartments and climb into bed and go to sleep. But sometimes after a crazy night out, it can be a challenge just to get in the door.  Don’t lose your keys by putting them in a safe place at the beginning of the night – a tight pocket in your purse, give it to the DD for the night, or tape it to your body (if you have to).   You would much rather sleep in your own room than in a bush for the night.

(618): Drunk enough that you donated $50 to Taco Bell because they serve a great purpose.

Let’s face it: everyone gets the drunk munchies. And no one chooses a salad over a burrito at 2 a.m. You will most likely end up ordering fast food that has more calories than you should eat in a week.  Also, when you’re drunk, you’re more likely to spend money without using discretion.

Try bringing just a few bucks with you – just enough for a couple drinks.  This will prevent you from over drinking, spending more than you would like to, and by the end of the night you won’t have money to buy food.  Trust me, you’ll be happier in the morning when you can now go buy coffee, Advil and breakfast unlike your broke friends.

So before you go out and get drunk, remember the cosequences that can come from those tequila shots.  Take precaution and you will find that your night is just as fun and your morning will be even better.

Hilarey Wojtowicz is a senior Journalism/Professional Writing major at The College of New Jersey. Hilarey works for TCNJ's Residential Education and Housing Department as a Community Advisor, but is truly aspiring to be the next Carrie Bradshaw. Not only does Hilarey love writing for her campus's chapter of Her Campus, but she enjoys writing about sports for local newspapers, as well. A true Jersey girl at heart, Hilarey is definitely not from the Boston area, but is a huge fan of the New England Patriots. You can find her interning in New York City this Fall at Woman's Day Magazine.