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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Let’s all think back to senior year of high school.  Yes, high school.  While plagued with six o’clock wake-up calls, never-ending classes, sports practices, and of course, drama, high school also included a stream of letters that had us all running home to our mailboxes.  College acceptances.  Possibly the most exciting mail we’d ever received, college acceptances quickly became the topic of conversation every morning, homeroom period, lunch, gym class, and bus ride home.  Since we’re all now TCNJ collegiettes I’d say it’s safe to say receiving the big white envelope stamped with “The College of New Jersey” was perhaps the best of all.  While acceptance to TCNJ surely thrilled us all, I think the extra line many of us found at the bottom of the page sealed the deal. Student scholarships.  This magic number steered us straight to this fine institution, but did you ever wonder where that money came from?

State funding to the College provides less than a third of TCNJ’s revenue.  So, less than 30% of the College’s operating budget is supported by state appropriation.  What does that mean?  It means that 70% of what makes TCNJ run comes from private funding.  The desk you’re sitting at?  The projector used in your last class?  The new microscopes in the chemistry lab?  Your scholarship?  Much of this is only available to you because of private donations – this is where you come in.

You love TCNJ, don’t you?  Well, student giving gives you the chance to show how much you appreciate the College.  The internship you just scored?  The job you have lined up for after graduation?  Your campus job?  All made possible by The College of New Jersey, so why not say thanks?

Here’s why some of your fellow students gave back:

“To give back to the school and provide for future students.” –Shaione Simmons
“I had such an amazing experience at TCNJ and wanted to share my appreciation for everything the College has done for me.” –Bryana Bonfanti
“As a future alumnus, I wanted to give back to the school that has given so much to me over the past four years.  My appreciation for my college experience is reflected in my gift to this great school.”    –Stephen Kornas
“I’ve been fortunate enough to have a generous scholarship and wanted to give others the same opportunity.” –Anonymous       

Giving back to the College can constitute a gift as small or large as you’d like – participation is really what matters.  So next time you’re thinking of dropping five dollars at the bookstore on a candy bar and a red bull or a few bucks on a coffee at the lib café consider slipping that money into a student giving envelope or clicking here and donating to somewhere meaningful: Greek life, athletics, music, business, anywhere – just to say thanks! 


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