Since the election, a large portion of my life has been consumed by anger as I read the news daily regarding the new Trump administration. While I politically do not align with the Republican Party ideals, this anger moves beyond the notion of simple disagreement. Under the numerous executive orders in the first two weeks of his presidency, Trump has reinstated the global gag rule, attempted to ban certain immigrants from coming into the United States, introduced plans to build the border wall, and signed orders to continue movement towards building the Dakota Access Pipeline. Individually, each of these orders is a problem in itself, but together, it has fueled a further divide in the county. But, there are ways to channel your anger into productive means, and continue to fight for what you believe to be right.
There are numerous ways to stay involved and fight for what you believe in:
Donate to organizations you support.
This can include organizations such as Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union, Lambda Legal, International Refugee Assistance Project, etc. There are organizations that will represent what you believe in and continue to use their resources to fight to protect your beliefs.
Get Involved.
This can be in numerous ways from becoming an activist for an organization such as Planned Parenthood, or going to different marches and showing support. Rise Up New Jersey lists different rallies on their Facebook page to find out what you can become involved in.
Call your representatives.
If you are passionate about a specific legislation or disagree with a nominee for a cabinet position, call your senator or representative and voice your opinion. Each phone call matters and this will show that the constituents of the district your senator represents do not agree with a specific candidate or piece of legislation.
While these are just a few ways to become a part of the productive anger movement, it is necessary to remember that you are not alone. There are millions of people who disagree with what the new administration is doing. There are ways to fight against what is unconstitutional and what is harming Americans. Continue to stand up for what you believe in and change will come.