The show “Gilmore Girls” originally premiered in October 2000. Twenty-three years later, it is still one of the most beloved shows. In fact, in 2022, “Gilmore Girls” ranked number nine overall as one of the most watched television shows on Netflix for that year.
So why is “Gilmore Girls” so adored? My personal opinion is that “Gilmore Girls” is so popular because many think of it as their comfort show. If you don’t know what a comfort show is, it’s basically a show that you can put on anytime, for any reason no matter how many times you’ve seen it and still enjoy watching it.
“Gilmore Girls” is an easy watch and has a super comforting sense of nostalgia throughout the entire series. It has quirky and enjoyable characters like fan favorites: Jess, Lane and Kirk. There is fast-paced dialogue and quick wit that many enjoy and with strong female leads, such as Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel. What’s not to love? You can’t think of “Gilmore Girls” and not think of how iconic Lorelai Gilmore’s outfits were. Lorelai’s fashion was so iconic that fashion websites are still writing about her style. Check out this article from Who What Wear on 30 Fall Items Lorelai Gilmore Would Love.
In 2016, “Gilmore Girls” fans around the world got their wish of a revival with Netflix relaunching the show for a four-part miniseries, “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.” Many fans were quite pleased with the revival, with one fan writing online, “It brought back all the feelings I always had watching the original series, and I think they’ve recaptured the atmosphere of the show perfectly.” Unfortunately, for “Gilmore Girls” fans, the miniseries ended on a cliffhanger and there are currently no plans to create another season.
In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Lauren Graham talks about the series staying alive. “It’s fun because it’s different groups of people [that] are finding it and different generations,” she says. I think that the allure of “Gilmore Girls” will live on for many years to come, and if you have never seen this series before, watch it immediately.