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How Your Fellow Students Are Taking the Republican Health Care Bill

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the people interviewed and do not represent neither Her Campus TCNJ or The College of New Jersey as a whole.

I stopped a bunch of people on their way to Eick for a few questions about health care. Here are the responses word for word from fellow TCNJ students*.

Q: So what do you know about the new health care bill that the Senate is passing? A: “It’s good to get rid of Obamacare. Just because nothing he did really helped anyone. I know Trump was also trying to get rid of Medicaid and Planned Parenthood. We don’t really need those either.”

A: “Just what Trump’s been saying on TV. The usual – that Obamacare was disastrous and the country was a mess.”

Q: Do you think the Senate plan will help low-income children, pregnant women, the disabled, and people who are elderly? A: “Not really. Honestly I just want this whole thing to blow over.”

A: “Nope. The Republicans are in control now. They can care less about all of those people.”

Q: In your own words, tell me what the new Medicaid program would cover:

A: “I don’t really know.”

A: “I don’t keep up with politics.”

A: “The old one with Obamacare covers low-income, pregnant and old people, etc. With the Republican Health Care Bill, I’m pretty sure they might just get rid of it entirely. Which is ironic, because all the Southern people that are Republican are also poor and have to be on food stamps. If they’re that poor- then they won’t even be able to get medical coverage. Obamacare would actually be the one that was helping the poor whites out.”

Q: Why do you think the Republicans are so set on getting rid of Obamacare? A: “Because it’s really just all games. Republicans now want to piss on the Democrats. I think it’s sad how so many people blindly follow Trump just because he is rich. Realistically, rich people don’t give a crap about poorer people. They’re just gonna sit back and laugh at them now.”

A: “We had a black successful president. Did you not see how Trump supporters look? My dad is one and he’s pretty racist. That’s all really there is to say.”

A: “Because it’s Obama. People tell me all the “crap” Obama has done. And I’m like, what? How he lowered unemployment rates? How he promotes women basic rights to birth control?”

Q: How do you think students on this campus feel about the Health Care Bill?

A: “I read online that they are expanding opioid funding. And I’m okay with that. But if you survey our campus or even Princeton and Rutgers and ask them “Which do you do more? Heroin or sex?” Pretty much everyone will say sex, and very few will say heroin. So how are you even able to get rid of something like Planned Parenthood but put billions more into opioid funding?”


*When asked, every student requested that they remain anonymous. 

A Junior Biology major with side passions of coffee, fashion, makeup, and Netflix. 
Kyra Mackesy graduated The College of New Jersey with a BA in Journalism and Professional Writing and a minor in Criminology in 2019. While at TCNJ, she was an active member of their Her Campus chapter, holding a wide array of positions: President and Campus Correspondent, Editor-in-Chief, Senior Editor, Marketing and Publicity Director, and Social Media Manager. She loved seeing her chapter grow throughout her four years in college, and will remain an active Her Campus Alumni.