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Jim Etheridge, ‘15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.


Here’s one last cutie to hold you over until we get back from break! When he isn’t hitting the books, he can be found playing Ultimate Frisbee or watching The Walking Dead.  The junior Biology and Communication Studies double major has plans for graduate school and looks up to his father’s hard work and dedication.  This Eric Forman look-alike is president of the Public Health Communication Club and is also a member of the Communication Studies Honor Society, Lambda Pi Eta.  The way to this cutie’s heart is through his stomach and a simple surprise dinner is enough to bring a smile to his face.  Collegiettes, we present you, Jim Etheridge.

Hometown: Oakland, NJ

Age: 20

Birthday: December 30th, 1992

Relationship status: Single

Major: Double Major in Mass Communication Studies and Biology

Nickname: Jimbo

Campus Organizations: I’m the president of the Public Health Communication Club, on the Communication Studies Advisory Board, play on the TCNJ Ultimate Frisbee team, and I’m in LPH  (the communications honor society).

Dream Job: To work for the CDC in one of science communications departments.

Role Model: My dad, a man who truly taught me that hard work and dedication pays off in the end.

Short Term Goals: Learn to play the mandolin.

Long Term Goals: Go to grad school, buy a Corgi (or two), travel to at least 4 different countries, and hike the Appalachian Trail.

Favorite Food: I love all food equally (except ketchup, it creeps me out).

Favorite Movies: Cast Away, any of The Lord of the Rings series, Hot Rod, and Anchorman

Favorite TV Shows: The Walking Dead, Justified, Scrubs, and Suits

Quirks: I tend to sleep walk when I’m really tired… I woke up in the shower one time.

Pet Peeves: When I’m driving and people change the song or turn the music off, and people who try to “one-up” you when you’re talking to them.

Celebrity Look-Alike: I get Eric Forman from That 70’s Show a lot.

Celebrity Crush: Alex Morgan (I had to resist from entering that entirely in caps).

Embarrassing Moment:  One time I fell asleep with people in my room and not only did I sleep walk, but I allegedly addressed each of them with different superhero names and proceeded to try to take a shower.

Proudest Moment at TCNJ: My housemates and I cooked a full thanksgiving dinner and didn’t burn the house down (we came pretty close a couple times though).

Favorite Characteristic in a Girl: A solid taste in music. 

Worst Characteristic in a Girl: Being pessimistic and negative, I feel like being sad and moping around is a waste of time.

Ideal First Date: Go to some small coffee house acoustic set (or something along those lines) and just get to know each other.

Worst Thing a Girl Could Do on a Date: Talk about herself the whole time.

Sweetest Thing a Girl Could Do for You: I’m not a hard guy to please; surprising me with dinner one night would be good enough for me.

TCNJ Journalism Major