You know what they say, “April showers bring May flowers!” So during the many rain showers that are subject to occur in April (and the few we’ve already had here at TCNJ) here are some fun ways you can pass the time!
1. Read: You know that book that everyone’s talking about- the one that you have been dying to read, that has been sitting on your shelf just staring at you, wondering when you are going to pick it up? If it’s raining and gloomy outside, it’s the perfect time to curl up on the couch and crack open that book!
2. Get back to your hobby: You know that thing you love to do, but never have the time to do it? Well, now is the time to catch up. So get back to doing your favorite hobby, whatever it may be!
3. Watch a movie: Find your favorite movie, or the movie that has been on your DVR since forever, and sit down, pop some popcorn, and enjoy!
4. Cook: Now that you have some time you can finally make that recipe that you have been dying to try! I mean you can only look at the Tasty videos that come up on your Facebook newsfeed for so long, before you actually have to try them for yourself. Or you can bake- chocolate chip cookies are always a good idea!
5. Pamper yourself: Now that you finally have some time for yourself, you should #treatyoself whether giving yourself a makeover, manicure, or taking a bubble bath! Just because the weather is gray and gross, doesn’t mean you have to be! So take this time to catch up on some much needed pampering!
6. Sleep: Some people say that there is no better sleep then falling asleep to the sound of raindrops on your window! Take this time to catch up on your sleep, which if you are like most college students, you have probably missed out on a few hours this week.