The 2-hour finale of “Scream Queens,” the new horror-comedy show, aired Tuesday night. The finale concluded a crazy first season, filled with a serial killer (that actually turned out to be multiple different killers,) many gruesome murders, and hilarious scenes and one-liners from a star cast. We’ve rounded up the best over-the-top moments and iconic lines from the 12 episode series.
1. When Nick Jonas said this smooth pick-up line
2. One of Chanel’s (less offensive) burns
3. When Chanel confused Sacagawea with Pocahontas
4. When Ariana Grande was about to get murdered, and decided the best plan would be to text the Red Devil killer, then tried to tweet for help.
5. When Chanel #3 had no emotions the entire season and you could totally relate.
6. Anything Chad Radwell did or said.