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Sophomore Class Council Candidates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

This Thursday, April 28th, you can vote for several branches of Student Government on Lions Gate. Here’s a full list of everyone running for the Sophomore Class Council, with personal statements from each of the candidates. Be informed and make sure to vote!

Running Unopposed:


Carly Mauro

“I am currently the President of the Class of 2019 and re-running for my same position for next year. I find joy in planning events, fundraisers, and activities for the Freshman Class and seeing them succeed.  We have raised over $5000 for use in our future years here at TCNJ, and I plan to raise just as much next year too! I want to take the experiences I had this year, such as Freshman Formal, our NYC Bus Trip, and various fundraisers, to further the success of our class. Our council is constantly looking for new things to do, new ways to make money, and new strategies to get the Class of 2019’s attention. I look forward to the year ahead and all the possibilities that await our new Class of 2019 Class Council.”

Vice President of Operations:

Kelly Saldarriaga

“I’m running for Sophomore Vice President of Operations. The rest of the Council and I have worked so hard this year to run events, advocate for our class, and bring school pride to our class through the products we have sold. Being involved, helping people, and being a spokesperson for others is a passion of mine that I have had since middle school and I intend to continue it.” 


Ryan Chiu

“I chose to run for sophomore class treasurer since I figured it was the best way I can be involved with my class and also I enjoy managing funds/fundraising. I hope as a council we can be as successful as we were last year.”

Running with competition:

Vice President of Public Relations:

Dominic Clark

“I am running for Sophomore Class Council because I want to continue making an impact on the Class of 2019 activities. This past year has given me the opportunity to work with various class outreach methods (such as Snapchat, Remind101, Twitter, etc) and I want to continue to grow them to reach more people. I am dedicated to everything I do and want to continue to increase participation in class activities again next year.”

Nellie Dubin

“I am running for vice president of public relations because I would like to make sure that everybody is aware of the awesome events happening on campus with enough time to plan around them, because as college students we always have something going on.  And by doing so, I hope to bring our TCNJ community closer especially the class of 2019.”

Madison Storcella

“I am running for Vice President of Public Relations because I want to keep our class updated on what’s going on on campus so that everyone makes the most of their time here. I am going into public relations and marketing and feel like I would be able to do this job really well and want to pursue it. If elected I will do everything I can to keep our whole class in the loop!”


Marisa Blackman


“I am currently a Representative on Freshman Class Council and am running for Sophomore Class Secretary. This past year I assisted in planning various events and fundraisers such as Freshman Formal, Freshman NYC Bus Trip, Freshman Farewell Fest, Spring T-shirt Swap, and various t-shirt sales. I am running to be a part of Student Government again because I am a passionate member of the organization and am enthusiastic about everything Student Government does and stands for.”

Sukhman Singh

“The reason I am running for Secretary for the Class of 2019 is simple; I want to actually make a difference. I don’t just want to be someone who joins Student Government just for a resume boost or because it may look good, I want to be involved in everything this school does and I want to have a say. I believe as Secretary I can bring up the real issues that TCNJ students deal with and work with the different committees of Student Government to help address their issues.”