It is a coveted position. An authority unlike any other at TCNJ. A person becomes more than a name or number in a class – they become the face of the student body. And every year it changes. You may be wondering to whom this role belongs. Meet Tyler Liberty: The new Student Government President.
HC TCNJ sat down with Liberty to discuss his goals, beliefs and reasons behind his ambition to lead the students at the College.
HC TCNJ: Tyler, tell us a little about yourself and the roles you play on campus already.
Tyler Liberty: I’m a Junior English Major, planning to pick up a second major in
Chinese as well. Extra-Curricular wise I am the President of Student
Government, and involved in Res Life, Circle K, International Studies
Club and the Leadership Development Program. I also plan and oversee
Homecoming at TCNJ.
HC TCNJ: What made you want to be SG President?
TL: I wanted to be the next SG President because with the last name
Liberty, who wouldn’t want to serve in office? In all seriousness, I
wanted a chance to give back to the students who have made my time at
The College of New Jersey so amazing. Advocating on behalf of students
is an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up, and I look forward to
representing the Student voice.
HC TCNJ: What are your goals for the 2013-2014 academic year as SG President?
TL: Next year, I want to lead Student Government in a direction that
benefits all of the students at TCNJ. I hope to continue to increase
our Town-Gown relations, further improving communication between the
Township of Ewing and students at The College of New Jersey.
Additionally, I aim to continue advocating on Students’ behalf,
listening and being connected to the pulse of the student body.
Finally, I want to continue making what we do as an organization more
visible and accessible to students across campus.
HC TCNJ: What does being SG President mean to you?
TL: Being SG President to me means that I am offered the unique
opportunity to continue representing the student voice both on and off
campus, making sure that students are heard in everywhere and in
unison. If you ever see me on campus and have an issue, frustration,
or opinion, please let me know!