Feeling sluggish after just a few weeks of classes? Sick of Eickhoff food and T-dubs burritos? Me too.
After watching a recent Oprah episode where she challenged her staff to go vegan with her for one week, I decided to challenge myself!
I didnā€™t want to jump into the experience without any facts, so I did some research. I came across PETAā€™s Vegan Starter Kit where I learned about the animals I eat daily, where they come from, and how to make a difference in my life and their lives.
Did you know that I could save over 16,000 animals in my lifetime if I go vegan now? So can every other 21-year-old female alive. Also, according to the United Nations, raising animals for food causes more greenhouse gas emissions than all the SUVs, cars, planes, ships, and trains in the world combined.
At the end of my research, I signed PETAā€™s Vegan Pledge that I, the cheeseburger lover, will be vegan for 30 days. I e-mailed my pledge to my close friends and family, hoping they would support me.
Follow my journey as I become more aware of what I eat.
Follow Allison, one of our News Editors, as she blogs about her Vegan Challenge. If you’re up for it, join her on her journey! Comment below to get involved.