Day one of veganism was definitely a challenge. Even though I had walked myself through the Vegan Starter Kit, I wasn’t sure what I could eat and what I couldn’t eat. Obviously I wasn’t going to eat a cheeseburger, but almost everything contains milk or butter, or both.
About halfway through the first day, I wanted to quit, but after checking the encouraging e-mail responses from my family and friends and replaying the video I watched on the PETA website, I decided to stick with it.
I checked every label and ate only salad and vegan chili in Eickhoff for a few days. I felt very restricted because I was so used to eating whatever was around or whatever I felt like. I became very aware of what I was eating, or at this point, not eating.
It was definitely difficult to say no to cookies or popcorn when my friends offered, but I was determined.
I packed up all of the food I had in my cabinets at school and brought it home the first chance I got. If I’m going to be successful, I’m going to need the least amount of temptation.
My mom showed her support by taking me food shopping for meals and snacks that I could eat. I was surprised at the amount of vegan options that ShopRite and A&P have. Also, Whole Foods pretty much has substitutes for everything!
The Whole Foods website was quickly becoming my new best friend with great recipes and ideas for vegan living. I was finally starting to feel confident when my mom, the Italian force feeder, made meatball subs. I had a vegan burger and salad and let my mouth water as my family devoured their subs. At the end of the week I was getting used to what I could and couldn’t eat, but I was having lots of cravings for anything with substance. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the food I was eating, but I just never felt satisfied. Honestly, I miss my greasy food.
The biggest surprise of my journey this far was when I stepped on the scale at the end of the week. Now, I have read numerous times that a person can have five pounds of undigested red meat in his or her system at any given time, but I didn’t think that these five pounds would leave my body in one week.
After this encouragement, I am excited for week two.
Follow Allison, one of our News Editors, as she blogs about her Vegan Challenge. If you’re up for it, join her on her journey! Comment below to get involved.