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What TCNJ Guys Really Think About Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.


Believe it or not, guys at TCNJ love Valentine’s Day! And not just the flowers, chocolate, date night Valentine’s Day you’re thinking of.  Many TCNJ guys appreciate the true meaning of Valentine’s Day and love showing the collegiette’s in their lives that they care.  I know; I was surprised too!  I interviewed real TCNJ guys, from pre-med students to athletes to find out what they think about the holiday and their ideas of a perfect date!

All of the guys I talked to think that Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity for couples to spend time together.  One TCNJ guy said, “I think that Valentines Day is cute and an opportunity for people to go out of their way to do something nice for the person they care about.”

Another guy mentioned that the holiday is over-commercialized and that couples should keep the true meaning of the holiday in mind.  He said, “Valentine’s Day should be less about gifts and expensive dinners and more about focusing on your significant other.”  I couldn’t agree with him more.  You’re with the person you’re with because you care about each other, you are proud of each other, and they you make each other happy. It’s more about us and less about just you.  Valentine’s Day should be about us too.

As for a perfect date, TCNJ guys seem to be pretty easy to please!  One guy said, “A perfect Valentine’s Day would be just a day spent with someone I really care about.  What we do doesn’t matter terribly.” 

Another guy added, “The perfect Valentine’s Day date would be one in which the couple is able to enjoy time together and express their love for one another.  The couple would spend the day finding activities that they both enjoy and would then end the evening by cooking a meal together at home.  This would eliminate spending money on an overpriced meal at a crowded restaurant.”  Doing something simple that you both enjoyon Valentine’s Day is an amazing idea because memories are some of the best gifts you can give.

We all love when special people in our lives do something nice for us.  Whether you have a significant other in your life at the moment or not, Valentine’s Day can be used as a way to thank the people we love for being in our lives.


Hilarey Wojtowicz is a senior Journalism/Professional Writing major at The College of New Jersey. Hilarey works for TCNJ's Residential Education and Housing Department as a Community Advisor, but is truly aspiring to be the next Carrie Bradshaw. Not only does Hilarey love writing for her campus's chapter of Her Campus, but she enjoys writing about sports for local newspapers, as well. A true Jersey girl at heart, Hilarey is definitely not from the Boston area, but is a huge fan of the New England Patriots. You can find her interning in New York City this Fall at Woman's Day Magazine.