Abbott Elementary, which premiered at the end of 2021, is a television series starring Quinta Brunson about a group of elementary school staff members. This cast includes fairly known actors such as Tyler James Williams, Janelle James, Lisa Ann Walter, and Sheryl Lee Ralph. In a “mockumentary” style of comedy, comparable to The Office and Modern Family, this motley crew of teachers brings a unique dynamic that is both funny and heartwarming at times.
This show takes place in an underfunded school in West Philadelphia, being run by an inapt principal and maintained by dedicated teachers who try to make it work using different means. This issue is highlighted as a prominent issue that many US schools face, while still being appropriately funny. Unlike other comedies of this style, this series does not rely on shock-comedy or slightly offensive stereotypes, as all the characters are unique in their upbringing and characteristics. The humor is successfully witty and subtle without being overly current and politically correct.
Each episode brings a new issue or an attempted correction that allows the each staff member to showcase their different mindsets. Brunson, who plays Janine, is optimistic and constantly looks for the best in everyone. Barbara and Melissa, the more seasoned workers in the school, have adopted a more relaxed view on the school system, assuming things will always work out. And lastly there is Gregory, a temporary substitute that has been thrown into the whirlwind of underfunded public school, trying to adapt. This cast is able to blend together so well with an effortless comedic effect.
With only nine episodes out on ABC and Hulu, this show has the potential to takeoff among many different age groups, as the jokes are not too pointed and the characters are relatable for many reasons. Abbott Elementary is a lighthearted take on a serious issue, and a refreshing comedy series that will actually make you laugh.