A list of the things you do on campus that can only stem from lack of knowledge of how things run in college, and how apparent (and probably comical) it is to upperclassmen.
1. You don’t know which silverware is in which basket at Market Square, so you start randomly picking up utensils until you find the right one.
2. You actually wait for the light on University Dr. to turn red before you start walking.
3. The words “I love eating at the BLUU” come out of your mouth.
4. You own everything this year’s Bed Bath & Beyond dorm room theme has to offer. Basically, your room is Bed Bath & Beyond.
5. You ask every restaurant provider if they accept Frog Bucks, even if you’re pretty sure they don’t (you ask anyway, hoping they will say yes one time because you are now a broke college student).
6. You speed walk to class 20 minutes early during the first week to make sure you don’t get lost (Winton-Scott: I’m looking at you).Â
7. The printing system in the library is the equivalent of a labyrinth, and you spend 5 minutes trying to print something while a line forms behind you.Â
8. You don’t want to go anywhere—and I mean anywhere—alone, so you ask a friend to go with you. Even the bathroom.Â
9. You repeatedly wear the only two XXL that go-to-your-knees-so-it’s-basically-a-dress shirts you own because this look is new to you and you haven’t mastered the upperclassmen art of looking like you just rolled out of bed.Â
10. You wonder where all the boys are, and then you sadly realize that’s just the campus ratio.