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The 5 Stages of Missing Your Dog

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Let’s be honest, whether it’s your first time or your fourth time, leaving home has its ups and downs, and there’s not a bigger down than leaving behind your best friend. They’re there through it all and it’s honestly just offensive that technology isn’t advanced enough to give us a better way to interact with them at a distance. We all miss our pets when we’re far away, but did you know that we missed them enough to go through the 5 stages of grief? Check it out:



It’ll be fine. It’ll all be okay. You can totally trust your family to look after your baby. There’s no need to cry. You can get through this, no big deal.



You were wrong. You were very, very wrong. They can’t take care of them like you do. They can’t love them like you do! It’s not fair! They should be with you! They need you, but, probably most importantly, you need them. How dare college break you up!



Well, maybe it won’t be too terribly bad. Breaks can’t be too far away, right? Surely you can get through it if you can get a family member to send you pictures of them every once in a while.



By now you’ve realized how much getting pictures of them can be a double edged sword. Being without your true love has taken its toll and it’s not looking bright up ahead. Breaks seem ages away. Any sight of a dog on campus both makes your day and makes you miss them even more. You’re not sure how much more you can handle this.



After all the tears and the stressful weeks, you realized that you were correct at the beginning of the year. You’ll be fine, they’ll be fine and it’ll all be fine! Life’s finally looking up and the gray skies are gone. You know that your time apart will only make your reunion that much more special, but until then you must live vicariously through those you see around campus and keep hoping for more animal themed Crew events.



Photo courtesy of Sinai Diaz


I like watching movies and making movies. Oh, and dinosaurs, I like dinosaurs.