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Hot Girl Walks Changed My Life, & They can Change Yours, Too

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

“Hot Girl Walks,” or HGWs for short, have taken the internet by storm in the past year. Girls across the country have made their way to their local trails, sidewalks, and gyms to take long walks, traditionally focusing on only three topics: things they are grateful for, goals they would like to accomplish, and most importantly, how hot they are. This walk is meant to inspire confidence and peace of mind in a world that can often be overwhelming. Since starting college, I have used Hot Girl Walks as a way to disconnect from my new schedule. The transition to college can be hard, and finding moments of peace every day has changed my perspective on our busy culture and feeling overwhelmed.

Personally, I like to say that Hot Girl Walks have no rules. Want to walk with friends? Do it! I love taking a stroll and catching up with a friend and hearing all about their life. Need to reconnect with long-distance friends? Phone calls are the best on walks! I personally try to call someone who I haven’t talked to in a while. Long story short, Hot Girl Walks can be taken in any way that makes you enjoy them the most. Whether you are walking on the treadmill while watching a new episode of The Bachelor or listening to Taylor Swift, Hot Girl Walks can come in whatever form you would like. 

Hot Girl Walks have so many benefits. Physically, walking is a low-impact way to get exercise. It strengthens leg muscles and limits the risk of cardiovascular disease. But even more importantly, Hot Girl Walks have a huge effect on your mental health. When you get exercise, your brain releases endorphins, which can positively impact your mood throughout the day. Walking can also increase mindfulness and lower anxiety (The Health Benefits of Walking). As the spring weather arrives, I have been vigilantly taking a Hot Girl Walk every day and can confidently say that I have seen a difference in my stress levels. The hour out of my day that I take to walk results in a huge increase in productivity and ultimately saves time.

My hope is that all of you decide to schedule a Hot Girl Walk or two this week and reap the benefits. Whether you choose to call up a friend or walk alone, Hot Girl Walks have changed my life, and they can change yours, too.

Sophia May is a new writer for TCU's Her Campus chapter! She enjoys writing about all things wellness, self-care, fashion, and of course, Taylor Swift! Sophia is a first-year business major at TCU. Outside of Her Campus, she is an active member of TCU Frog Aides, a freshman leadership cohort. She also enjoys volunteering in various ways around campus. On her free time, Sophia loves going for walks with friends, crafting, and exploring Fort Worth.