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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

A look into Fashion psychology

Do our perceptions of other people change with their outfit? What about ourselves? 

Short answer: YES!

In a society where first impressions matter and self-expression is crucial, the clothes we wear are so much more than just random fabric we decide to put on. Clothing serves as a powerful tool that influences not only how the outside world perceives us but also how we perceive ourselves.

Speaking of perception…

Imagine this: two people walk into a room for a job interview. One is dressed to perfection in a tailored suit, oozing confidence and professionalism, while the other person is dressed casually in jeans and a tee. Who would you assume is more competent and capable of the job? This is a perfect example of how significant of an impact clothing can make in social interactions and first impressions.


Fashion also plays an intense role in framing our personal experiences. Think about how changing into your favorite outfit can instantly uplift your mood and boost your confidence. The clothes we wear have the power to evoke emotions and completely change our mindset. This concept, known as “enclothed cognition,” was coined by researchers Hajo Adam and Adam D. Galinsky, which suggests that our clothing choices can affect our cognitive processes and behaviors. The studies also concluded that clothing is symbolic, and the extent of its influence depends on both the act of wearing the clothing as well as the meaning it holds to the individual. 

By dressing in a way that reflects our desired mood, we can effectively use fashion to deepen our self-perception and confidence.

Personally, if I’m not feeling my best, putting an outfit on that I love and feel good in is exactly what I need to brighten my day. Feeling comfortable and stylish improves not only my mood but also my sense of empowerment, which heavily influences how I carry myself and interact with others on a daily basis. I think I tend to underestimate the power of self-confidence and just how much my clothing can impact it. A lot of the assurance I have in myself is reflected through my outfit choice of the day, which is why I tend to dress up a lot.

Communicating with Clothing

The notion that clothing serves as a method of nonverbal communication is important because each of our clothes send a subtle yet seemingly strong message to the world. By understanding the language of clothing and realizing the communicative aspect of it, we can strengthen our individuality and take the reign when it comes to how we are perceived by the outside world.

My Final Thoughts

As we navigate the complexities of every day life, it’s important to note the significance that clothing has on our psychological processes and behaviors. From shaping first impressions to being a creative outlet for self-expression, fashion is a language that everyone speaks. It serves as a beautiful way to communicate, all while discovering who you are. So, the next time you look in your closet, remember that your choice of clothing is not just about what you wear … it’s about who you are and who you want to be.

Gabby Kaas is a new writer at the Her Campus at TCU chapter. She writes about fashion and entertainment, including social media, music, and current fashion trends. Beyond Her Campus, Gabby is a member of the Criminal Justice Society, Student Association of Social Work, Impact of Words, and Letters of Love. Gabby is currently a sophomore at Texas Christian University, majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Social Work. In her free time, Gabby enjoys shopping, listening to music, and going on walks. Playing an occasional competitive pick-up basketball game, Gabby enjoys being outside. She is a fashion appreciator and is obsessed with talking about whether or not low rise jeans should come back in style.