Every time I go home I feel as if all of my hard work goes out the window. Why eat healthy when I can eat my favorite hometown ice cream or eat cookies at grandma’s house? Well here’s the thing: after eating healthy and working out for months, I don’t want to just throw it all away. But with that said, I’m going home over break to celebrate birthdays, promotions, and seeing family and friends after months apart so I naturally want to let go.
What I’ve learned with time, though, is that sometimes letting go of all my goals for an entire week makes it that much harder for me to get back on track after break. So, thinking someone else might be struggling with this, I have a list of six tips below that I’m focusing on over break as I fight to continue to make progress.
1. Drink a ton of water.
Enough said. Drink water when you wake up, before a meal, and before bed. I’m challenging myself to drink 6 bottles a day.
2. Try to stay on your normal sleep schedule
I know it’s spring break, so sleep usually isn’t a priority. BUT, if possible, try to keep things somewhat regular even if that means going to bed at 3 am and waking up at 10. Oh, and of course, 8 hours of sleep is always preferable.
3. Eat an apple before a family gathering
This is a trick I learned and I find it extremely helpful. If you headed to a relatives house for a big family barbecue or gathering, eat an apple before! This way when you get to the party you won’t be starving and tempted to snack on chips and salsa for an hour until dinner is ready. You’ll get some extra nutrients and your hunger will be slightly dimmed!
4. Hike Over Meeting at a Coffee Shop
(Photo by Kelsey Emery)
Throughout break I am constantly meeting with old friends from home and for some reason we always end up getting coffee (which really means I get a mocha and a scone- not too healthy). Instead of coffee, I am now trying to meet at an acai bowl place or go on a hike with friends. In my hometown we have a beautiful ridge of mountains so it’s easy for me to propose this but if you don’t have anywhere to hike, go for a bike ride with your friend! It’s a great way to catch up and be healthy at the same time.
5. Do Small Exercises in Front of the TV
This one is always a challenge because I love to be a couch potato when I lie down in front of the TV, but I’ve been pushing myself to at least stretch or do calf raises while watching TV. Balancing in tree pose or doing planks is also an easy way to engage your core and keep your body slightly active.
6. Take Advantage of Being Outdoors
(Photo by Kelsey Emery)
I don’t know about you, but during school I don’t get outside as much as I’d like. I’m constantly inside studying or going to club meetings instead of taking a walk and getting some fresh air. I think it’s important to take a break from technology and school and just get outside.
With all this said, I hope these tips will prove helpful to you and will encourage you to stay on track with your goals and to know you can find a balance over break! Enjoy those cookies at grandmas and eat tons of your favorite ice cream from home. Just remember that you can do what you put your mind to and staying committed to your goals over break is easy if you remember these few helpful tips!