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Aaron Burden/Unsplash

How to Throw a Successful Friendsgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

The holidays are quickly approaching and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Thanksgiving is all about spending time with family, but for those who won’t get home for the holiday there is still a way to celebrate. I introduce to you: Friendsgiving! This is basically Thanksgiving done on your own terms and celebrated with your closest friends. Even if you’re not at home, you can still have a great time. Here are some tips to make your Friendsgiving the best one yet!


“Times New Roman”,serif”>Make it a Potluck

This takes the stress off the host and everyone gets to contribute. If you don’t know what to bring, you can never go wrong with dessert! Who doesn’t love a good pie?



“Times New Roman”,serif”>Choose Your Guests Wisely

The best part of Friendsgiving is that you get to invite people you actually want to be around!

Don’t feel obligated to invite everyone, but if you know someone who doesn’t have family around then invite them. No one likes to be left out. This is the one day a year where everybody feels like family whether they’re related or not.

“Times New Roman”,serif”>Create an Awesome Playlist

You’ve gotta have great music playing in the background. Personally, I’d break out the Christmas music but if it’s too early for that than choose whatever suits your group!



“Times New Roman”,serif”>Share in the Cleanup

No one likes it, but it has to be done.



“Times New Roman”,serif”>  “Times New Roman”,serif”>Most Importantly, Share What You’re Thankful For!



So relax, eat and enjoy your Friendsgiving!




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