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How to Best Express Yourself Through Writing

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

As I explored my writing skills throughout high school and college, I have had to challenge myself to write in all different writing styles, including article writing! When I first joined Her Campus at TCU, I had no idea how to write an article, let alone one that anyone could see when they looked up my name. That is one of the most terrifying things about sharing my writing: the fear of misrepresenting myself. As I continue to write, I want to work on expressing myself through my writing, not just in Her Campus, but also through poetry and academic essays.

Here are some things I am currently working on to improve my writing skills, and I hope they may be able to help you, too!

When working on school essays, try to find meaning in the writing you’re doing.

Depending on the freedom you have with your class essay and the topic you’re writing about, there are times when you will have to write about a topic that was chosen for you. In that case, you may have to craft an essay surrounding a topic that either doesn’t have to do with your passions or you know little to nothing about. To make the most out of these types of assignments, I try to find a part of the project that I am passionate about. For example, if I were to write an article on a book about World War II, I would probably find something related to women working during that time, since women’s empowerment is something I am passionate about.

Finding something that I am passionate about when researching and then writing on a topic has helped me find meaning in my writing. Finding meaning in my writing is really important to me, especially because I want to make the most of my time during college instead of dreading the time and effort I put into the assignment and simply forgetting what I learned.

Write about your personal experiences in as much detail as possible.

Storytelling with friends is one of my favorite ways to connect, so I think that using that skill through my writing may help me better express myself. One of my favorite stories to tell is about how I met my boyfriend. I love getting to explain in colorful detail how we met, what he looked like, how I fell for him, and how I eventually asked for his number! I always get the best reactions from friends and family when I recount each moment of that night. When writing, I love to imagine how the reader will feel when reading my piece and ponder how I can make them feel how I felt at that moment. No matter how mundane, I find that when I write about my everyday experiences, it brings new emotions that I didn’t notice when going about my day. I find that I take advantage of the experiences I have every day and that I need to take a step back and realize how beautiful this life can look.

Brainstorm topics that you love to write about and explore new possibilities.

By sitting down in a comfortable writing space where you’re able to be the most expressive, try your best to brainstorm some of the topics that you enjoy writing about, and go from there. Being a part of Her Campus has also taught me to force myself to write about my passions. Sometimes it is hard to sit down and force yourself to write, but I find that going back to the drawing board can be really helpful when dealing with writer’s block. I tend to hand-write this list, but when I have writer’s block, I sit down, go through my past articles, poems, essays, etc. and write down some other ideas I have for articles or poems. That way, I can remember my voice and previous experiences and determine how I can move forward with my writing.

One of the worst parts for me was having to go back to my old articles and see how careless my writing used to be. I used to not really care about what I was writing; I forced myself to write about things I either didn’t care too much about or didn’t read over once or twice before publishing, and I wish I had taken the time to really flush out those topics to make the most of my platform. In the future, I want to take more time while writing and make the most of the writing process.

I hope these few things can help you move forward in your writing as I continue to work on mine!

<3 K

Hi! I'm Kailee Rapkin and I attend Texas Christian University! I am from Seattle, WA and am Majoring in Sociology, Minoring in Psychology and taking an emphasis in Women and Gender Studies. My favorite color is green and I love hiking and doing anything outdoors. :)