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7 Ways to Have the Perfect Pinterest Fall in Fort Worth, Texas

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Autumn is upon us, and if you are anything like me, your social media feed is full of aesthetic picnics, photoshoots, and yummy fall treats. Being surrounded by endless fun fall ideas, it is easy to fall into the trap of trying to achieve that picture-perfect, effortless fall look. But with busy school schedules and with the limited days Texas actually has nice autumn weather, it is easy to feel overwhelmed with activity options. There is not a single day that should be wasted on an overpriced restaurant or a crowded park. So, here is my compiled list of the best things to do in Fort Worth Texas that will help you achieve that perfect Pinterest fall that will not leave you disappointed. 

  1. Walk around Downtown Fort Worth

The best walks downtown include the following: good friends, good music (probably Men I Trust, boygenius, or whatever playlist gets you in the autumn mood) and, most importantly, no plans. I am telling you — having a plan/timeline kills the vibe. Wander around the city with an open mind, ready for whatever comes your way. Trust me, it makes all the difference. Downtown is full of cute coffee shops, amazing photoshoot locations, charming stores, and restaurants that are better left to be discovered than Googled. This approach makes the day feel more like a treasure to be found and less like a goal to be met. Nothing says fall like going on an adventure and being in the moment with your besties. 

2. Drive Through Downtown at Night 

If you are looking for a good driving spot at night, grab a friend (or don’t, if you desire a much-needed night of alone time) and take a drive through downtown. Make sure you have your best late-night drive playlist ready, and bonus points if you have a Bluetooth karaoke microphone. With the music up and the window down, nothing beats the feeling of pure bliss those downtown lights have to offer. And while you are there, make sure you snag an aesthetic pic of the lights, or one with your hand out the window, for your Instagram story. All the best nights end with a vibey Instagram story.

3. Picnic at the Kimbell Art Museum

Like most Fort Worth locals, I have been to the Kimbell Art Museum 1,000 times. And while the traveling exhibits can be exciting to see, the museum can start to feel repetitive. But if you love the vibes and want to change up the experience, grab a quilt, some snacks, a book, or a friend, and have a picnic in the yard under a shady tree. Let me tell you, the photos that you will get there will be amazing! And if you go on a day when the weather is nice, you will never want to leave! So, allow time to just exist and take in the vibes; maybe bring some homework if you are feeling responsible.

4. Explore Central Market

Something I have enjoyed over the last couple of months is making boring tasks fun. Grocery store trips can be annoying, but next time you need to go, put on a cute outfit, pop in your AirPods, and take your time in the store. Central Market has so many new foods and produce to try. The layout also makes for another good Insta story photo spot. Don’t forget to stop by the cafe and get some gelato or a coffee and enjoy the outdoor seating. 

5. Exploring TCU at Night

Fan of the spooky aspect of fall? One of the simplest and cheapest, yet most thrilling things, you can do on campus is explore the buildings at night. Most buildings on campus are open till 10 for the cleaning staff, and the student ID cards will let you into the buildings that are specific to your major. Now be respectful of the buildings and mindful of the staff — don’t go vandalizing the buildings. There is something so spooky and iconic about seeing your classrooms at night and exploring new areas of buildings in the dark.

6. Fort Worth Botanic Garden Photoshoot

Though Texas is lacking in colorful fall leaves, the Fort Worth Botanic Garden is booming with bright colors and fall vibes. The gardens, especially the Japanese Garden, are the perfect place for a fall photo shoot or a slow walk through the gardens, during which you can admire all the colors of the changing leaves.

7. Painting in the TCU Commons

Go to Walmart, or wherever you want, to buy cheap art supplies. I prefer painting items like pumpkins or tote bags and creating simpler designs, but if you’re feeling ambitious go for a canvas. One of my favorite old, but still fun, TikTok trends is the one in which you switch paintings with your friends every 5 minutes, going around the circle until the painting comes back to you. You’ll either get a beautiful painting or a laugh, but either way, it’s priceless.

Now you have seven ideas for the perfect Pinterest fall! I love aesthetic outfits, photos, and vibes, but at the end of the day, as long as you have a good time with your friends, your Instagram doesn’t always have to show for it. The older I get, the more I realize that the fewer expectations I place on myself, the more fun I have; so, remember that this season!

Annika Tokar is a writer for HerCampus TCU. Annika is a Freshman at Texas Christian University majoring in Fashion Merchandising. In her free time she enjoys shopping and thrifting, crafting, and playing with her cat Winston.