When coming to college, you are entering new and unexplored territory. Leaving everything that was familiar for the last 18 years behind and going somewhere no class of “20-whatever” student has gone before. With a completely different setup, no close friends and classes that are beyond hard does not sound too inviting. As a freshman, it’s inevitable that you’re going to make a few mistakes, but it’s important that you learn a few things on the way, so when that glorious summer break comes you can look back on your freshman self and laugh at how far you’ve come. (It’s like when you look at your middle school yearbook photos, only with a lot less eyeliner.)Â
Signing up for too many clubs at the activities fairÂ
This is the first opportunity for you to get involved on campus, so you sign up for everything that looks interesting (or maybe because they just had free food at the booth). But a couple of weeks into school, all of the emails you get and the meetings you have to go to make you feel overwhelmed and spread a little thin. Now that classes have begun to level out and you are getting the hang of college life, you are able to narrow down which meetings you think are the most important to attend, showing you where your real passions lie.Â
Bringing too many clothes from home
One of the largest changes from living at home is the realization that your wardrobe will be drastically altered. The closets are smaller, Texas weather is about as predictable as the Big 12 conference and honestly who has the time to wear uncomfortable clothes when you’re just going to class and studying. That cozy pair of leggings is just calling your name, and realizing you don’t need that many clothes other than XL T-shirts saves money and energy.
During the first semester of college, the Fear of Missing Out is contagious and hard to shake. Many times as a freshman you will want to do every little thing college has to offer, and as a consequence neglect other responsibilities (like a 5 page paper you think you can write in a Red-Bull induced night). Now, realizing that there is always another mixer, another time to grab lunch with the boy you met in class and another day to invite the girls across your hall to watch Netflix and eat Blue Bell, you are a lot less stressed about doing everything at once. You have an opportunity to stay on top of your studies and live a balanced life.Â
As a newfound college student, your favorite kind of stuff will be free stuff. More often than not, some organization will throw you a free lanyard on your way to class. Rather than dodge it like the student body, you happily latched it onto your student id and had it fatefully hang out of your pocket. It was only after the 19th Yik Yak that you realized it was time to retire your lapel of shame. It’s just not cute.
Looking both ways before you cross the street
Being the wonderful kid you are, you take all the wonderful lessons your mom taught you to college. When walking to class you could almost hear her in your ear murmur, “look both ways when crossing the street!” Your hesitation will be laughed at, as the fear of being run over does not exist in the college population. Now you know to dare drivers to hit you so they can pay for your tuition. Try me.
Thinking starting to study the night before will work
Since you got in to college, it’s assumed you know how to study. You went to class, you took some notes, and you read through it the night before a test. I mean how hard can it be? After your first test you realized it can be VERY, VERY hard. Now, at minimum, you start the week before like the experienced student you are.Â
Wearing makeup to class
College classes and looking good just don’t go together. Want to wear your PJs? Sure! Haven’t washed your hair in a while, no worries. Feeling extra chilly and want a blanket? Go for it and bring one. Whether you believe it or not, there is no one, and I mean NO ONE, looking for you to impress them in your 8 a. m. class. Save your makeup for the weekend when you need to look fierce for going out, and save that extra time you would use to slap on some smoky eye to sleep in on the mornings.
Hooking up with someone down the hall
Although co-ed dorms are tempting, the living situations are different now because you interact the same people almost every day. That cute guy on your floor that you see all time? Don’t do anything high school you would do. They make great neighbors but awful Ex’s.