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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

My house has always been a land of incense, candles, and essential oils, put there by my very witchy mother, so it came as no surprise when she became obsessed with indie perfume houses. No one in my household had ever been interested in well-known perfume brands. They never actually smelled good and something about them always gave us migraines (and no, it’s not the perfumers’ alcohol), but she quickly fell into the rabbit hole of small perfume houses and since then our house has never smelled better. Years later I have gained quite an extensive perfume collection which I cycle through depending on the season, so I have put together a short list of my most used perfumes this fall.

Baron Samedi

by Black Baccara

A very masculine cologne with notes of fresh lime, tobacco, fresh pepper, and leather, this perfume summons images of stained-glass windows, dark bars, and live music. This ritual perfume is made to honor Baron Samedi, who stands at the crossroads between the living and the dead and is the father of spirits and the giver of life. If you’re into a more unusual perfume you should definitely give this one a try, but it’s being retired by December 1st so order quick!

Sleepy Ghost

by Poesie

A light airy perfume perfect for a cool fall day with notes of lavender and vanilla this is the only lavender perfume you’ll ever need or want. This scent is perfect for a cool fall day, cozy socks, and a knit sweater. Poesie is one of my absolute favorite perfume houses and I would highly recommend checking them out.

Year Without Summer

by Poesie

A perfume with the scents of sweet opium, amber, coffee, and bitter cannabis this is my favorite perfume for the transition from fall to winter.

In the year 1816, Mount Tamboro in Indonesia erupted, sending clouds of volcanic ash across the planet and causing “a year without summer” throughout Europe, North America, and Asia. This resulted in a young Mary Shelley and her fellow writing companions being stuck indoors in a villa near Lake Geneva that summer, receiving frequent rain and freezing temperatures. The group found other ways to entertain themselves, chatting about philosophy, drinking, and sharing in good company, but this was not the only result of that freezing summer, as it is credited that this is where Mary Shelley found inspiration for her book Frankenstein. This story was the inspiration for this perfume.

To me, this perfume smells like rain, warm coffee, lots of layers, and something distinctly “Shelley.”

Moon Magic

by Sorcellerie Apothecary

The only chai perfume you’ll ever have, with main notes of chai spices, vanilla steamed milk, tonka bean, and a hint of lavender this is the perfect perfume for an autumn witchy vibe.

I would highly recommend getting this with the roller ball applicator instead of as a spray, you’ll use less product when applying so your bottle (which isn’t cheap) will last you longer. My other reason for suggesting a roller ball is that, despite having heard the opposite, I actually find that, at least with this perfume, it lasts much longer as an oil than an alcohol spray. I’ve used both versions and with the spray, I feel like I have to reapply throughout the day while with the oil roller-ball applicator I can apply it early in the morning and even after working out throughout the day I am still getting compliments on how I smell in the evening.

Manor Fire

by Solstice Scents

Manor Fire is part of Solstice Scents’ Manor Collection, and thus its base is the perfume Manor, a perfume meant to smell like a once great manor that has long since been neglected and left to dilapidation. This scent smells like dust, warm leather, and a woody vanilla musk. This perfume will smell stronger and sharper on initial application but dries down sweeter and smoother. Manor Fire is meant to smell like that manor is now burning and opens with the sharp smell of smoke with other notes of melted beeswax, dry wood, wood resin, and burning leaves. It’s less sweet than Manor and has more of a kick when wet but it dries down smooth and the sharp smell of smoke fades into the background leaving you in a warm and smokey Manor.

piece of my heart

by Black Hearted Tart

A scent with notes of magnolia tree, cardamom, sugar cane, and sandalwood this perfume is meant to smell like the whole magnolia tree in the sweltering humidity of the southern summer. I wore this perfume a lot throughout summer but there is a bitter almond scent that adds something sharp and unusual to the perfume that always had me yearning for fall. Whether or not you agree with me that this is a fall perfume it’s still worth checking out.

Freya Cortez is a new member of Her Campus TCU. She writes about her own interests such as music and books and wants to connect and make new friends. Freya is a freshman ballet major at TCU with the goal of becoming a professional dancer. She hopes to get into the second company of a classical ballet company to complete her training. Freya is also passionate about art such as painting and ceramics and outside of those things you will often find her playing animal crossing or Balder's Gate 3 (clearly two very similar games haha). She is a vintage fashion enthusiast and almost all her closet comes from a vintage store.