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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Did you hate high school? While I wish I could remember it fondly, it remains the most difficult and most unhappy time in my life. All of these major qualifiers, and yet I am super lucky to have had a privileged and relatively normal high school experience!

I could not pinpoint what it is. The big-emotions of adolescence? My struggle with mental health? My lack of sleep? Catty classmates and strict teachers? The stress of what comes after? Whatever it was, I am thankful to be on the other side of high school.

I love college. I feel the happiest I have ever felt. The big-emotions, mental health struggles, and stress of what comes next are still very much with me, but I wake up excited about the day. So, what is the secret of college life? Here are some of my ideas, ranked.

5. Classes

Okay. Okay. I hear you. College classes can be super tough. But, at least you are taking classes you chose! Sure there are requirements to be met, but what class, what professor, and what time are all left up to you. High school never affords us this level of flexibility. Not to mention, when a college class is over, you just leave. How great is that? You could be in class at 1:00 p.m. and at Chili’s at 2:00 p.m.

Also, an honorable mention to the chill professors. I once asked a teacher what style they wanted my midterm essay to be in. They said, “Whatever you feel.” Huh? In high school if I placed my name and the date in reverse order of MLA format I would be given partial credit. Some of my professors email me in all lowercase. There is nothing quite like someone with a doctorate being so ridiculously chill.

College classes also give you a huge opportunity to make them what you want. Some classes only have a few assignments. Contrast this to the nightly homework of high school and you feel free. This allows for you to manage your time as you please.

Finally, because I am an honors college student after all, college classes can be… actually interesting? I still think about my freshman year art history course. I never studied art, ever, and it was so refreshing to meet a new subject. In college, the class options are seemingly endless. From college courses on Taylor Swift to pottery, college has a lot to offer.

4. Food

Have you ever returned home from a long day of school starving and then you see it. The Crock-Pot. Now, I don’t mind a good stew, but sometimes chunked-beef was not my desire. It’s moments like these that make me so grateful for college living. Not only are my meals exciting (sometimes I have no idea what I’ll scrounge together next) but they are completely my own. If I want Chic-fil-A, I simply get Chic-fil-A.

Now, I am aware I sound like an adult in a kids body (“when I’m big I’ll eat ice cream for dinner!”) but let’s be honest, that’s all a college kid is. Just an adult child. Sometimes I have baked chicken, greens, and wild rice with a glass of wine for dinner and a banana bread dessert. Sometimes I have the fridge’s five remaining pieces of deli meat. It’s a messy life, but gosh, it’s my own.

There is a beauty in that. Grabbing dinner with friends. Feeling the joy of a dinner on the dime of an extracurricular program or roommate. Opposed to the monotony of home, college dining can feel like an adventure.

3. Parties and Sport Games

This one is a double header because we all know the best part of attending sports games is the parties that surround them. From very chill pre-games with the girls to frat parties, game day is one big celebration.

I would not say it’s the nature of parties that makes college so great, but rather the frequency. It seems like you could find a party going on any day of the week. This maximizes opportunities for fun. Whether it’s labor day, fall break, game day, Halloween, or homecoming, there is a party.

Parties are one more aspect of college that are what you make them. There can be pressure to party often or engage in risky behavior at parties, but don’t let that get you down. Find your fun! I personally tend towards parties with good music and dancing. Disco lights and bumping speakers can really put a smile on my face. It’s science.

2. Freedom

Now, I have hinted at many activities that are enjoyable purely due to the fact that you design them. However, who’s to say you didn’t have a flexible schedule, personal food tastes, and lots of social events in high school. Maybe you did. But, one thing you probably did not have is freedom in every sense of the word.

Gone are the days of curfews for many. Gone are the mandatory extracurriculars. Gosh, even class isn’t really a requirement (though I highly discourage skipping). Truly, no one is making you do anything. Weird, right?

Occasionally, this can feel like falling without any net to catch you. At times, I marvel at the endless complexities and possibilities of life.

1. Friend Access

Now this is my personal favorite. Never, ever, again in your life will you have such a wealth of possible friends and proximity to your current friends. Friend time can happen anytime. Not only this, but often your roommates are good friends. You can live with your best friends!! This is what kids’ dreams are made of.

They say that just eight minutes talking to a friend can improve your mood. Living with friends makes that possibility of an increased mood so much higher. Girls’ night can be every night!

So, enjoy college! Spend time with friends and make new ones. Don’t be afraid to reach out!

Eliza is the Editor-in-Chief for HerCampus at Texas Christian University. She is currently a junior studying writing on the pre-law track with minors in speech language pathology, Italian and political science. In her free time, Eliza enjoys running, rummaging through second hand stores, and re-watching Gilmore Girls.