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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Being a college student has its perks, and one of the major ones is that you have a chance to reinvent yourself. You’ve grown up from your days as a defiant teenager and are finally ready to take on the real world…Okay, maybe not completely since you will probably still be unable to effectively wash your clothes without ending up with some discolored socks, but I digress. I know that, for me, there are so many things I wish I could do over. I’ve missed so many different opportunities because I was scared or unsure, but now is the time to take risks and realize it’s okay to fall down and ask for help. Here are a few things I wish I could tell my high school self:


1. Don’t worry about what you wear the first day of school.

It’s not a big deal. Get some extra sleep since I’m pretty sure your summer sleep habits are still in check.

2. Develop good study habits early on to prevent the late night cram sessions in the library.

There are so many people who have terrible study habits in college, so learn what works for you while in high school because you have more chances to make mistakes then.

3. Don’t feel pressure to date just because your friends are.

Most high school romances do not last, so don’t stress about not having a date Friday night. Everyone dates at their own pace, so take a deep breath and relax.

4. Acne. Everyone has it, so don’t feel embarrassed.

EVERYONE gets acne at some point. Don’t let it stop you from trying new things or meeting new people.

5. It’s okay to not have your whole life planned out by graduation.

There’s a giant misconception that you have to know everything about your future by the time you’re 18. Chances are you’re going to change majors and possibly transfer colleges at some point, so stop trying to plan every single detail.

6. Experiment a little bit.

Get a new haircut or dye your hair red. Wear neon or dress in all black. You’re young, so try to do new things every once in a while…just not drugs.

7. Learn how to save money.

It’s so easy to spend money when you’re younger because most likely you’re just asking your parents for some. In college, you realize that you have much more to pay for and trying to prioritize costs is hard to do when you’re not used to it.

8. Talk to your parents.

They mean well, even if it may not seem like it at the time. Realize that everyone gets homesick in college, whether you’re in the next city over or across the country. Appreciate them while they are there because, most likely, it’ll be a while till you see them again.

9. You’re going to fall down, but you’ll always get back up.

No one is perfect, so stop stressing the small things. You are going to make mistakes, but know that you are not alone. Just think of it as a lesson learned.

10. Know that high school will pass and it’s most likely not the best years of your life.

People who say that your high school days are the best years of your life have clearly done nothing else noteworthy afterwards. Can high school be great? Sure, you’re not suffering (completely) during those 4 years, but the best time of your life? Probably not. There’s more to life than high school and once you leave you’ll see all the opportunities ahead.


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Colleen Yates is a sophomore Communication Studies major at Texas Christian University. She wants to work in something relating to fashion or beauty and hopes to one day see New York Fashion Week live. In her free time, she loves to sing, catch up on Netflix and, of course, write for Her Campus.