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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

What is a third place?

It was a forwarded First Things article about a diner in Waco, TX that taught me about โ€œthird places.โ€ A third place is a social atmosphere outside of work and home. Think about a neighborhood bar, a run club, or public park. Third places might just be the answer to our loneliness epidemic.

Sociologist Ray Oldenburg coined the term in his book The Great Good Place. He defines third places as accessible places where the primary activity is conversations. You may be familiar with the staff or other patrons. All in all, a third place is a home away from home.

Why are third places so important?

I would argue that on some level, we are all aware of declining community. We can see ripples of the increase in isolation all around us. Community centers and YMCAs are closing. Bowling alleys (a institution at the center of sociologist’s study of community) are being teared down. Drive-up grocery pick-up allows shoppers to never step foot in a store. Even cycling classes can be played directly to Peloton bikes. There is no need to go to the gym. There is no need to greet the desk workers or exchange a smile with an adjacent rider.

But, science shows that these little interactions with strangers provide a measurable happiness boost. A feeling of belonging is essential to our wellbeing. Third places are paramount to health! Thinking that we can do life alone not only leads to poor health, but it’s also not true! Author Sally Rooney talks about this.

Author Sally Rooney discusses human connection

Okay, so where can I find my third place?

Good news: college is full of third places! The on campus coffee shop, the local bar (if you are over 21), the loud floor of the library, and clubs are wonderful third places. Hey, maybe even your local chapter of Her Campus could be your third place!

And, we know the benefits of a third place can be immediate! That smile from a stranger won’t take long to improve your happiness. When you feel comfortable somewhere outside of work and home, you’ll know you’ve found your third place.

Eliza is the Editor-in-Chief for HerCampus at Texas Christian University. She is currently a junior studying writing on the pre-law track with minors in speech language pathology, Italian and political science. In her free time, Eliza enjoys running, rummaging through second hand stores, and re-watching Gilmore Girls.