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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

When crafting a bucket list, you should always include things that you have never done before. So, set some goals for yourself to accomplish. Creating a fashion and beauty inspired bucket list can also be helpful for anyone wanting to evolve their style. Whether the goals are small, big, or whatever size, it’s all about the way you look at life. If you don’t have a bucket list, here are ten reasons why you should consider making one. Get inspired.


Life is all about new experiences, so get out there and do whatever makes you happy. It will help you overall with your decisions in life and what you focus on daily. There are so many different things to learn about in the beauty/fashion world. New experiences in your lifetime will only lead to an overall better quality of life. 


Creating new memories will always make life more enjoyable. When living through these important moments, always remember to take in the moment. Creating new memories will help you grow as a person and will last your entire lifetime.

Creating Purpose

You will have a better quality life if you have a set purpose. Everybody should have this in order to reach their fullest potential. Whatever your life’s purpose may be, make sure that you achieve your goals. Life is all about making decisions and living life your way, which can only be done by establishing a sense of purpose.


When you bond with a new person, you’ll learn and realize differences in the world and grow from it. Bonding with somebody is a very valuable experience, especially if you have a lot in common with the other person. People in the fashion world tend to bond over new trends, what their favorite celebrities are wearing, or their favorite brands.

Learning New Things

There is so much to learn in the world and challenges you’ll face. You can never learn enough information. Whether you want to learn a new beauty technique, dress a new way, experience a new country, learn a new language, or whatever it may be, make sure it’s what you desire.

Personal Growth

A bucket list will help you get out of your comfort zone and see things from a new perspective. Growing as a person is very important and will only help you out in the long run. You can learn about new life experiences that you wish to explore, whether it’s trying new beauty products or anything else that you wish to learn. Overall, it will help you realize certain objectives that you want to accomplish, and you will become closer to growing from these life changing experiences.

Keeing Track of Your Goals

A bucket list will help you become more organized and will also make it easier to monitor your progress. Once all of your goals are written out, you can look back at it in the future and feel proud of all that you have accomplished. Keeping a set list of your goals is a very important routine to live by.


Life is all about exploring and seeing news things. You can explore so much in the world of fashion, beauty, and makeup just by expanding your palate a little more and doing some research. There are so many stores to shop, places to travel, and people in the world to interact with. The world is a ginormous place with tons of room for adventure, investigation and fun.

Meeting New People

There are so many people in the world for you to meet. Engaging with new people daily is a major benefit, because you can learn from other people’s actions. Meeting new people will only assist you in life for the better. You’ll either respect somebody and get along with them, or you just simply won’t. You can always enhance your memories by doing different types of activities with the people you enjoy being around the most.

Achieving Dreams

Think about your biggest dream in life, and then write it down. Every single person in the world has dreams that they want to conquer, so why not start now? If you want the brand new Morphe makeup palette at Ulta, then go get it. Buy the lashes too, because you deserve it. Shoot for the stars. It’s your life, so do what’s best for you.

Once you create your very own bucket list, you will appreciate the significance of living by your own rules. These goals will help inspire yourself to achieve these specific plans that you have set. Life is all about new experiences. Make sure you make it meaningful, so you always have something to look forward to! :) 

Senior at Temple University :)
I'm a social media fanatic. Between my work as a rising senior public relations student at Temple University and my personal blog (living-with-love.com) hobby, you can always find me on my phone. I'm from a small town in Connecticut and spend my free time doing barre workouts, rewatching television series, and reading new books. I joined HC as my first organization at college, and I can't imagine ending my academic career leading anywhere else!