Hey there all my fellow seniors, you still breathing? Okay good. I had to check considering it’s finals week and you’re either ticking off the days until graduation or a much needed winter break. If you’re like me then you’ve been so over classes since spring semester of junior year, but are sticking it out to get that very expensive piece of paper that they call a diploma. Here are signs that you are beyond ready to walk across that stage.
1. You can’t help but laugh when a professor makes an $80 textbook mandatory.
Ain’t nobody got time for that!
2. Everyone and I mean everyone wants to know about your post-grad plans.
Oh, I’m sorry was driving me around in your five year plan Mr. Uber driver?
3. And then there’s your friend who already has a job lined up like FOUR MONTHS before graduation.
Teach me your ways.
4. So you start re-evaluating your skills, you know just in case.
Sorry Mom and Dad.
5. But let’s be honest, you are not ready to give up your dream just yet.
You know you can do it!
6. Your Friday nights pretty much consist of job searching and tears.
But hey, at least you’re 21 now!
7. Every once in a while you realize soon your friends will all go separate ways and you try not to bawl your eyes out.
You are so not ready for life without them.
8. So you insist on 103947 food dates to make up for future lost time.
LOL what even are zippers anymore.
9. The Freshman 15? How about the Senior 60?
Who TF even owns a scale anyway??
10. Holidays are full of relatives giving you post-grad advice.
Grandma this isn’t the 1950s anymore.
11. You actually try to head to Career Services but they look at your resume like you dug it out of the trash.
Don’t judge me!
12. You have a meltdown scheduled for every other week.
Sorry, I can’t that day I’m planning on sobbing for approximately 2.5 hours. Maybe next week?
13. When you see the freshman on campus you can’t remember how you were ever them.
Pull. Down. Your. Skirt.
14. After every class you furiously curse out your professor under your breath.
Do they not get this is not your only class?!
15. You literally have ZERO tolerance for fu** boys.
That was so junior year.
16. You are fully aware that your friends were the absolute best part of those four years.
Tbh, you wouldn’t be alive without the squad.
17. Anytime a girl tries to drag you down with drama, you just remind her exactly who you are.
No one is going to put a damper on your senior year.
18. You realized the hard way that the hardest lessons are taught outside the classroom.
You’ve had your heart broken a couple times.
19. But at the end of the day, you’re really going to miss college.
20. And then you realize that the days of papers, exams and cramming are over and you finally made it.
*Cue Pomp and Circumstance*