Coming back from winter break is not always fun. You have to shake your holiday and Netflix-induced coma and walk to class in below freezing temperatures. For some people, it’s really difficult to find the motivation to stay organized. Here are a few tips that will help you to stay organized and have the best semester ever.
1. Use a Planner
A planner is perhaps the most important tool to use for staying organized. According to writing notes by hand could help you learn better. The same goes for writing things down in your planner. It is much easier to remember what you have written down in your planner and if you don’t remember, you can always go back and look at it. A planner is a great way to keep your appointments, assignments, meetings and thoughts organized throughout the semester.
2. Limit Distractions
That’s right, turn off your phone. Some people are more easily distracted than others, but the phone is the ultimate distraction. The trouble with having your phone handy is that if you respond to a text, it could lead to checking Instagram and then Twitter and before you know it you’ve wasted a half hour on your phone. Find the best place for you to concentrate and do your work and turn your phone off. You’ll get done more quickly which means you have more free time to binge watch Netflix.
3. Color Code
Color-coding is one of the easiest and most popular ways to stay organized. “I color code stuff according to the color of the books for the class,” said sophomore Lexi Dise. You can color code by using the same colored notebook and folder for a class or even by highlighting assignments in the color of your choosing for your class. Color-coding is fun and adds a pop of color to your life.
4. Find a Place for Everything
There’s nothing worse than not being able to find a handout from a professor the night before the final exam. Make sure you have a place for all of your notes and handouts. Find what suits you best be it a folder or a binder and don’t forget to keep all your papers together for each class. This goes for your desk area too. Make sure wherever you work is tidy and clean at all times. It will make finding supplies and working easier.
5. Do One Thing at a Time
Sometimes you might want to get things done so quickly that you try to do multiple things at once. In reality, this actually takes more time. According to “…When you switch away from a primary task to do something else, you’re increasing the time it takes to finish that task by an average of 25 per cent.” Not to mention you won’t be giving your all to either one of your tasks because your attention will be divided. By doing one thing at a time you are ensuring that you are getting everything done in a timely manner and to the best of your ability.
Being organized isn’t hard as long as you stick to it. You’ll definitely be grateful to have extra time and to not have to stress about where you put something or if you’re going to have enough time to complete an assignment. Now get your planner ready and have your best semester ever!