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Wellness > Health

7 Ways to Get to the Gym and Keep Going

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

On the internet, we are flooded with information on health tips and work out strategies. Whether it be through advertising, online workout plans or Instagram fitness models, we’re constantly being sold the next best thing. If we just buy this, eat this, or drink this, our dream bodies will arrive in 3-5 business days via Amazon Prime! Amazing how technology works, right?!

Take it from someone who follows every account, has spent hundreds of dollars on Flat Tummy Tea, and swallowed countless teaspoons of DIY detox, this is not how it works. For years, I wondered why these methods didn’t work for me, but it did work for people with above 50,000 followers on Instagram. The bottom line is, most of these products have effects that are short lasting or they are simply placebos. After my bank account started screaming for help, I decided to turn away from these new and unorthodox methods and try something a little more antiquated, and get back to the basics. Here’s what worked for me:


1. Find a buddy

Everything is better with your bestie, especially working out! Bringing a friend along with you to the gym is a great way to help you stay motivated to keep going everyday, and a great time to hear all the latest tea on the elliptical!


2. Short Workouts

Between class, work and extracurricular activities, you don’t need to be pumping iron for hours and hours at the gym — even if you are a self-proclaimed fitness guru. According to the Mayo Clinic, we should set a goal for 30 minutes of exercise day. Create a workout plan before you head over to the gym to optimize the time you have, and while you’re on the go, make simple, healthy choices like taking the stairs instead of the elevator and drinking water instead of soda.


3. Eat Clean!

A clean diet along with daily exercise has unbelievable effects on the body. After cleaning up my diet, I lost weight, my skin cleared and I felt less sluggish and tired. I had more energy and my overall happiness improved because I looked and felt better — physically, emotionally and mentally. What we put into our bodies is what fuels us to power through our day, so stay away from artificial ingredients and preservatives and look for natural and organic instead.


4. Try Different methods

If the conventional workout plans aren’t your style, there are endless options! Look out for zumba, yoga and spin classes. You can also join intramural sports or a Rec league, which is a great way to stay in shape and make new friends (to bring to the gym!). Another great way to get exercise is kickboxing or sparring, and most gyms offer lessons and training for this as well.


5. Consistency is key!

You can read every self help book, watch every YouTube workout guru and read every Her Campus article, but at the end of the day, it’s up to you! Results only follow hard work and determination. I’ve heard it takes 28 days to build a habit, but not for a Lady Boss. If you want it, go get it!

Ultimately, what made me motivated to go to the gym is finding what worked for me best. I always found it boring, so I dragged my BFF with me and cut my workout time in half. I also completely changed my diet, started doing yoga and trying new classes at the gym. There is no shame in having no idea how to work the arm-pulley-machine, because everybody has been there. Push through this awkward phase, don’t get discouraged and stay positive! You’re glow-up is on the way.