1.) Find a good place to study where you can actually focus. I would recommend the quiet rooms inside Tech, because you do not have to worry about hearing other people talk. “I like studying at the library more because I find it to be quieter and less crowded than the Tech.” says sophomore Emily Honsberger. In case the tech gets busy during finals, check out the SAC study hall on the third floor or the upper level of the library. They are definitely less busy so you won’t have to worry about fighting for a seat.
2.) Get a study group together with people from your classes. It is an easy way to make new friends and you can help each other out. “I like studying with people from my class because I feel like we have bounce information off each other and work together.” says sophomore Emma Boudrie. The breakout rooms inside the Tech are awesome for this! If all of the Tech rooms are full, Alter Hall has plenty of breakout rooms and big spaces for group study sessions.
3.) Always have snacks so you do not have to rely on vending machines. Grab a brownie from Cosi or a smoothie from Tropical Smoothie Cafe to get you body ready to study! Blueberries and bananas have actually been known to increase your brain power so think about that when looking at the smoothie menu.
4.) Make sure you spread out your studying so you are not pulling an all-nighter the day before. Try to start studying a week before your exams and go over the information a little bit every day leading up to your test; this will help you memorize the material better instead of just cramming information at the last minute.
5.) Get enough sleep the day before your final. You do not want to stay up too late studying that you miss your actual final; that’s a disaster waiting to happen. Try to shoot for at least 8 hours before the big day.
6.) Make sure you actually study! I know the party may sound fun, but your grade is more important than going out. Stay in the nights before your final so you are the best you when taking the exam! You can party after your test, when you actually have a reason to celebrate.
7.)Â Do not be afraid to ask your teachers for help! Go to their office hours if you are confused about the material because they are only here to help you. They make office hours for a reason.
8.) Do not stress too much! Do not get yourself too worked up over an exam. Just give it your best effort; if you don’t get the grade you really wanted, let it go and enjoy winter break. Try again next semester!
Finals are definitely a stressful time for college students, but just try your best. It is only a week and once that week is over, you can enjoy your winter break!Â