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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Midterms are coming, the weather is getting grayer, and the leaves are getting redder. Fall is here! For some of us, that can be exciting. But it can also hold a lot of dread for what’s to come – a bitter winter.  

As a result, I’ve been working on romanticizing the autumn season. Fall is a time to ease out of the craziness that is summer and gear up for a cold winter. So, let’s treat it as such! One of my favorite ways to romanticize this cozy season is hosting fall-themed activities for my friends. It’s an excuse to be together in a season that can be isolating for some. So, in three simple steps, I’m going to show you a way to host the perfect fall movie night on a budget.  

  1. The Movie. 

Movie nights are amazing, but the worst part is actually picking a movie. Everyone wants something different, and nobody wants to be the deciding factor. Let’s skip the never-ending scrolling through every streaming platform imaginable and simply pick a movie in advance. Here are some of my favorite movies for a fall movie night: 

  • Pride and Prejudice  
  • Little Women 
  • Crazy Stupid Love 
  • Bridget Jones’s Diary  

Is it obvious that I love romance? Of course, your movie doesn’t have to be a rom-com. The key is to read the room. Which of your friends are you inviting? Do you have a cinephile in the mix? Does everyone love horror? Consider this, and then trust your gut while picking a movie that, hopefully, everyone will love.  

  1. The Snacks. 

The best way to host a successful movie night on a budget is to ask everyone to bring snacks. That way everyone gets to eat something they like, and you’re not spending a ton of money on food for everyone.  

If you want to be cutesy, I suggest encouraging everyone to try and make their snacks fall-themed in some way. Pinterest is a great place to start with this. I’ve seen ideas like Boo-schetta (bruschetta with a piece of mozzarella cut out to look like a ghost), pumpkin hummus, and caramel apple bites.  

If you’re anything like me, a few pieces of candy corn or some Halloween-themed Pillsbury cookies can definitely hit the spot! 

  1. The Vibes. 

This third step is, arguably, the most important of all for cultivating a fall-themed night. A movie night is all about being cozy. So, ask yourself these questions: 

  • Do I have enough blankets? (If not, ask everyone to bring some!) 
  • What candle should I light? (Everyone loves a candle that smells like fall.) 
  • What lamps should I turn on? (No big light. Ever.) 
  • What fall decor do I have on hand? (If you don’t have any, a few orange and yellow flowers in a cute vase can do the trick.) 

Being a little extra can go a long way in making your guests feel happy and welcome. 

As the air turns crisp, embrace the beauty of autumn with your friends! I believe hosting a movie night is the perfect way to celebrate making it through a long, hard week and being together. Let your movie night wrap you up like a warm hug. Happy fall!! 

Grace Jecelin is an opinion writer for the Her Campus Temple chapter. She's a double major in criminal justice and gender, sexuality, and women's studies, and is always more than happy to talk about anything, but truly adores nothing more than a deep talk about the state of the world. Grace is also a staff writer for another women's magazine on Temple's campus called REFINE Magazine, and she's following her passion for transformative social change by completing an internship through Temple's criminal justice program. She also works as an Office Assistant at the library and loves getting to interact with so many students every day! On any given day, you can bet on finding Grace typing at her laptop in a Philly cafe, the library, or in her bed under her favorite pink blanket. She also loves reading (romance, please) and crocheting, and is finally learning to embrace her grandma era. When she’s not being a homebody, she loves hanging out with her friends and trying new restaurants (if there’s pizza on the menu, she’s tried it).