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From DVDs to Vinyls- Physical Media is Making the Ultimate Comeback 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

As a kid, I was the most theatrical movie junkie ever. I would spend morning, noon, and night watching every single movie I could come across- even if they were not the most age-appropriate for my innocent little brain. Whether it was Disney movies on repeat, corny romcoms, or intense superhero films, my eyes would be glued to the screen 24/7. 

However, what all these movies had in common with each other was not just the future damage to my 20/20 vision due to how close my face was to the television, it was the packaging of each film. 

They say a woman should never share her age, but I will let you in on a harrowing secret…I am 21, which obviously means I was born at the very beginning of the forever-loved y2k era. That also means that I was one of the last people to physically be brought up on VHS tapes and DVDs before the digital age kicked in. 

For a short time, I was accustomed to a life where nostalgic, chunky VHS tapes would have to be inserted into the tape player and then we would have to press a little, round button in order to rewind or play a movie. It was a time worth living. I was able to rewatch my favorite movies over and over again until I would be tired of it for a good couple of weeks… and then I could just pop the tape back in and be hyper-fixated all over again! 

Yet, as time passed and the years followed, everything became digital. There were no more digital copies being the sole source of watching movies. Instead, you could now just stream online. Blockbuster stores were going extinct, and Redbox rental kiosks were becoming a thing of the past… but they always say old trends never die for good. 

Fast forward to 2024, the art of physical media has made an epic resurgence in society and is becoming a collector’s item for many people, especially Gen Z. For example, on TikTok, hundreds of young people have turned their room into a personal shrine of physical media gold. Whether it is books, vinyls, cassette tapes, or DVDs, the world has relit the candle of physical media.

I personally, have rediscovered my infatuation for all things hard copy. I am an avid reader and started a collection of books to fill my vanity bookshelves, even though I will still cherish my Kindle. I also started thrifting often to see if I could find rare items to buy and collect. That quickly turned into a mini hoarding problem and now I have over 20 DVDs from only five thrift store visits…. I could not turn down consuming the content of Sex and the City, Fright Night, Twilight, and Notting Hill to name a few.  

Physical Media continues to, and will forever hold a special place in our hearts for decades to come- despite the high rate of digital content. With its unique quality, pixelated graphics and nostalgic value, there is no doubt that physical media will be a part of society that goes out of style. As the digital age grows and changes, for better or worse, the world of physical media will always seem to bring a sense of old-school comfort that keeps people attached to the past.  

Who knows? Maybe I’ll even buy a DVD player for my growing collection. 

Ashley Green

Temple '25

Hey everyone, my name is Ashley Green. Currently, I am a junior at Temple University with a major in Journalism and a minor in Political Science. I am also a staff writer for the Her Campus Temple University health section and will dive more into focusing on how our mental health and wellness should be addressed in our everyday lifestyle. In my free time, I love binge watching horror movies and trying to tackle my lengthy TBR book collection.