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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

When navigating our early 20s, we are often forced to face obstacles and challenges as we figure out who we are and what we want to be. From academic choices in what degree to pursue to the sea of internships, all the way to where we want to live and how we want to live.  

Within the past year, I have found myself navigating the obstacles that have been thrown my way. Last spring, I felt stuck and unhappy with my environment and lack of self-growth. In search of something that reversed the dissatisfaction my current environment gave me, I decided to spend my summer in Naples, Florida.  

Leaving my family and friends behind, I took off to explore a new environment unfamiliar to me. With weeks leading up to my final days in my hometown, I couldn’t wait to welcome the Florida sunshine into my daily routine. After settling into my new home, I finally felt the feelings of anxiety, sadness, and loneliness. Yet, with time, adjustment, and perseverance, I was able to establish a routine- and a sense of ease and normalcy.  

It was hard not to love my experience of living in Naples. From weekend boat trips to sunset drives and weekly tanning sessions on the beach, I fell in love with my life in Florida. At the same time, I also found myself counting the days until I was home again. Knowing that many people would give anything and everything to have even the slightest opportunity to spend the summer in Florida, I didn’t quite understand why I felt such a pit in my stomach.  

Now I’m away from home again and studying abroad in Rome, Italy. And I have the same feeling, knowing that this opportunity is not something many people get to pursue.  

Within the few weeks of my study abroad experience, I have been struggling to adjust to the 6-hour time difference and lack of normalcy, familiarity, and routine. However, through my experience in Florida, I learned that it is in the most uncomfortable moments that we grow the most. I am not the same girl I was when I took off for Florida and I am not the same girl I was when I left for Rome. In the first few weeks of my time in Italy, I have been granted life-changing experiences. From exploring the hills of Tuscany to finding the cutest and most unique spots in Rome, I have already fallen in love with this country.  

While I struggle to be so far from family and friends at home, I am grateful for this opportunity. From this, I have gained a new perspective on the life I want to live and the person I want to be. Now, living in Naples, Florida, doesn’t seem scary or lonely like it used to. In those uncomfortable moments of being abroad, I found myself finding comfort and longing for those hot summer nights in Florida.  

While I still don’t have the answers for why it is human nature to always long for something you don’t have, my lived experience has made me realize the importance of being present. These moments have shaped me into who I am today and have helped me immensely in finding myself, while also discovering what kind of life I want to live from here on out.  

So, if you’re thinking about studying abroad or are hesitant and/or scared, I encourage you to sign up for an abroad program.  

Hi, I am Angeni a Temple 25' media studies and production major and an opinion writer for Her Campus. I specifically love to write about health related topics and one day hope to host my own podcast. I have a huge heart for all furry animals-especially dogs. I also love to spend time outside hiking, and traveling!