When everyone is suddenly flooding the library and other places on campus, it’s understood that finals are quickly approaching. With that in mind, have faith in your intelligence and know that your grades do not make or break you. I used to feel like my life depended on my grades and academic success, however, I quickly realized that they didn’t define me and was not a representation of my intelligence. I’m so much better than test grades and so are you!
Often, it can feel like your future success lies all in your academic success in college, and I’m here to tell you that that is so far from the truth. Companies want to see something outside of academics from you when you go into an interview. They want to see a human being behind all of your academic credentials and that that person is genuine. With finals coming up, I know it’s super easy to dive into a state of constant work to the point where you lose track of time and can’t recall the last time you slept longer than 2 hours. I know from personal experience from high school, not even college, that I turn into that person, and I won’t even think of anything not related to my academics to finish strong in school. That quickly took a turn for the worst. I was being controlled by my grades and putting that forward rather than my actual personality. Grades will always be important, but they do not in any way define you or your intelligence. I can do all the studying in the world and be completely blank when the clock is ticking. That’s normal, and because of that, you shouldn’t view the one-off day as something that will define your career both professionally and academically.
I urge everyone to take this upcoming exam season and distress in whatever way you enjoy. I understand that it is hard for some just to say “forget it” and put down their notes and books to do something to help them relax, but for the sake of your mental health, I urge you to throw the books down as hard as you can and bolt away from your desk. Take some time to enjoy the weather outside before it gets too cold. Watch an excellent holiday movie. Whether you’re in full Christmas mode or stuck in spooky szn, find something to give you that needed break. You should move into exam season with your head clear and your nerves low to succeed. There will be plenty of more exams and projects. This isn’t the end, so don’t stress over it too much.
Have faith in yourself and your intelligence. All the time you spend stressing about that big exam can go to self-care to ensure you’re in the right mindset for your exam so you can put your best foot forward. Your best, regardless of what so many people like to say, is enough and will always be enough.