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How To Make 2017 Your Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Getting over a not-so-fabulous year can be hard, but it shouldn’t stop you from being excited to see what the future holds.

2016 was definitely by far the worst year of my life thus far, but that doesn’t mean that I am going to let it affect this year. I’m young and I’m sure I will have plenty of other tough years to get through.

In 2016, we lost so many celebrities, had awful mass shootings all over the world, and we all probably had some personal issues to deal with. That just means we have to pick out the good times of 2016 and look back on those. Positivity is key.

In 2016, the Rio Olympics took place with the American team winning 46 gold medals, the unemployment rate dropped to 4.6%, and Giant Panda’s are no longer endangered! It was also an election year, which we all know, so we got to witness a new leader come into office. While the outcome may not be what you wanted, it was still awesome to witness that last year.

While yes, 2016 was filled with unfortunate events that we will never forget, it has taught us how to move on from these events stronger than ever.

The concept of a new year allows us to start with a clean slate and create many new year resolutions to become the best version of ourselves

You can’t let one year affect your whole life, you just have to get past it and think positive. There are many exciting things to look forward to in 2017, you just have to make them happen.

Here are some tips on how to make 2017 your year:

1.     Plan trips and events with your friends so that you have something to look forward to.

2.     Start up a new hobby, such as joining a new club at school (Her Campus is always looking for writers!).

3.     Allow yourself to have some time to relax, where you go get your nails done,hair done, or just sit at home and read.

4.     Get involved in your major. Look into jobs or internships in the area so you can devote your time to something that will benefit you in the future.

5.     Surround yourself with positive people that will bring out the best in you.


Forget 2016 and make 2017 your year. We believe in you.

Logan is a junior journalism major, and serves as Campus Correspondent.  She is also the proud president of Delta Phi Epsilon, Delta Nu, her sorority. Logan is typically super busy, but still dedicates hours to reading a Cosmo from front to back...twice. Logan loves all things social media, especially following puppy accounts on Instagram. Her dream is to break into the magazine industry and help empower other women to pursue their dreams, whatever that may be.