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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Us long distance couples should be able to have a good Valentine’s Day too!  Keep reading for some tips and tricks on how to make the most of this day while being far away from your special someone. 

Valentine’s Day, you either love it or hate it. This year, I finally have the most perfect date … except for the fact that we are currently in a long distance relationship. Valentine’s Day is just a day, of course not the only day I make my partner feel appreciated and loved. However, it is fun to participate in giving cheesy love cards, romantic dates, and eating all the chocolate covered strawberries that you can. Being long distance requires us to be a bit more creative this year. So, here are some fun ideas to celebrate this love-filled day from a distance:

FaceTime Date

Long distance couples are no strangers to a good ole FaceTime call. On February 14th, it could be fun to add some Valentine’s Day flair to your call. 

Some FaceTime dates could include:

  • Ordering food from the same place and eating it together while all dressed up – like a real date! 
  • Ordering food for each other to make it a surprise for the other person 
  • Cooking dinner together through the screen
  • Starting a movie or show at the same time and have a virtual movie night
  • Playing a card game; you might have to get a little creative with this one
  • Having a romantic paint night; maybe portraits of each other?

Make a playlist for each other

Make each other a playlist of songs that remind you of the other person. It is a simple gesture that would mean a lot to them and something they can listen to whenever they miss you. Distance sucks, so it is always important to have something that reminds you of the other person. 

Bring back letters!

Long distance couples are also no stranger to texting throughout the day. It becomes second nature. Sweep your partner off their feet by sending them a love letter in the mail. Yes, we’re going old school. A physical, handwritten note will mean a lot to your partner and will be something they can keep forever. If writing isn’t your thing, a cheesy, colorful Valentine’s Day card from the drugstore is just as romantic. Show your partner you’re thinking of them by sending them something to make them smile.  

Plan YOUR OWN Valentine’s Day

Take some time to plan something special for when you will see each other again. Anything from going to a restaurant, going out of town, having a shopping day, or spending the whole day in your pajamas watching movies. You can make it your own. It will be your day and something you can both look forward to to take your mind off of being apart. Again, Valentine’s Day is just a day so make it whatever day that works for you. Every day is Valentine’s Day when you’re with someone you love, no matter the distance or time spent apart. 

Jenna Walker

Temple '25

Jenna is a Media Studies and Production major at Temple. She has always had a love for writing, especially about topics she is passionate about. In her free time, Jenna enjoys going to the beach, listening to music, journaling, and binge watching her favorite TV shows.