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My Campus Ambassador Experience: Good Molecules 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

There are two things that I love in life: the color pink and a good skincare routine. Ironically, the brand Good Molecules is not only a combination of the two but also a plethora of goodness. From the vegan formulas to the affordable prices, it cannot be beat.  For my last spring semester ever, I had the opportunity to be a Good Molecules ambassador, which was a great experience filled with education, fun, and so much more.  

For starters, as a skincare enthusiast, Good Molecules is one of my favorite brands. I have normal, but sensitive skin, along with hyperpigmentation issues. I started using Good Molecules around December of 2022, and since then my skin has been on ten!

One thing I’d like to highlight that I love is the fact that it is vegan and pet-friendly! I feel like it is really hard to find products that are not only sustainable but also non-chemical products, so for that reason alone I was intrigued. Alongside that it is very budget-friendly, which, as a college student, is hard to come by — skincare is already so expensive.   

Now you know a little bit about the brand. Let’s get into the fun stuff. One of the main highlights of this was doing a giveaway. My friend Nyla, who also got a chance to be an ambassador, decided to do a photo shoot as an announcement. The theme was a sleepover, and it was such a hit that the Good Molecules team reached out to put it on their TikTok page. This was such a cool experience. 

Another of the most enjoyable aspects of being an ambassador was the chance to engage with people from diverse backgrounds and ages, discussing skincare routines, addressing concerns, and offering personalized recommendations.

I got the chance to give out products to various clubs as well — one being Her Campus. Whether it was showcasing the latest products or sharing skincare tips and tricks, the ability to empower others to feel confident in their skin was incredibly rewarding. 

Another cool challenge was called “Door Knockers” where I gave out new pimple patches throughout my apartment building which was a hit. It made me feel like Santa in a way which was a really fun moment.   

Beyond the events and activities, being part of the Molecules ambassador program cultivated a sense of community and support among fellow ambassadors. Collaborating on campaigns, exchanging beauty insights, and celebrating each other’s successes created a nurturing environment that encouraged growth and creativity.   

Now you have heard about all of this, you’re probably wondering “How Can I Be An Ambassador?” No need to fret. The application process is quite simple. They hire for 2 semesters, applications for fall open around summertime, and the only requirements for you to be a college student and honestly just eager to learn. It’s okay to not have that many followers on social media, it’s all just about having fun!  

Overall, my experience as a Molecules ambassador for a skincare brand was not only enjoyable but also deeply fulfilling. It allowed me to merge my passion for beauty with my desire to inspire and uplift others, leaving me with cherished memories and valuable skills that will continue to shape my journey in the beauty industry.   

Currently, a junior at Temple University and apart of the Arts and entertainment section. i love books, fashion, movies, and naps, and a hardcore reality tv fanfic. A lover of aesthetically pleasing things, pink, and all things luxurious.