Would you try the DIVA Disc?
The DIVA brand, well-known for their DIVA Cup, came out with a new menstrual product that has been seen all over TikTok. It’s an alternative to the iconic DIVA Cup that’s had a chokehold on the period community for being reusable and reducing single-use period product waste.
The DIVA Cup has been around since 2003 and has garnered a massive following since then.
The DIVA Cup has benefits including eco-friendliness, cheaper, longer protection time, being chemical-free, and made from medical-grade silicone.
While the DIVA Cup has done a lot of good, people have been speaking out about some negative effects of the DIVA Cup like it sucking out their cervix.
In September 2022, the company came out with the DIVA Disc, without the same vacuum-like suction as the DIVA Cup.
Camryn Stuhlmuller (20), decided to try out the DIVA Disc because of all the hype surrounding it on TikTok.
This interview has been lightly edited for concision and readability
Madison Young: What did you use before the Diva Disc?
Camryn Stuhlmuller: I would use tampons, and pads, and liners.
MY: Have you ever used the Diva Cup?
CS: No.
MY: Why did you choose to get the Diva Disc?
CS: My periods were getting really heavy after I got my IUD. I was leaking out of the tampons, they weren’t lasting longer than an hour, even the super ones.
I did some research on the DIVA Cup, but it apparently can suction out your IUD, so I was a bit scared of that and I read that the newer Diva Disc isn’t a suction and is IUD safe.
I looked on TikTok and social media for reviews and a lot of people liked it.
MY: Was it difficult to use the first time?
CS: Yes, I thought I had put it in incorrectly. It was a little uncomfortable at first, it didn’t hurt, it’s a little big and you have to push it pretty far up.
The first day or two it was leaking a bit but that was also the heaviest my period was, so I’m going to have to see if that’s the same case for my next period because it was my first time.
On the third day it finally worked. I didn’t have any leaking. I kept it in for 12 hours and I got the hang of it.
MY: Would you recommend this to a friend?
CS: Yes, I would
MY: Is there anything you would change about it?
CS: Not about the product itself, but maybe some more instruction on how to know if it’s in the right spot.
MY: What are the benefits of the Diva Disc?
CS: It just feels better for my body knowing that I don’t have bleach in my vagina.
MY: What is your overall consensus on the Diva Disc?
CS: I think it can be intimidating at first and I was intimidated to try it but then I just went for it. I think it’s a good investment, because you just have to have this one DIVA disc instead of spending that money on tampons and pads for the rest of your life.
MY: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
CS: When you’re in public places it’s hard to switch because you have to clean it after every removal and if you have a heavy period, you’re going to probably have to remove it more often.
When you’re in a bathroom you have to wash it off and use non-toxic soap and you can’t really do that in a sink in front of people so that’s a little tricky.
The DIVA Disc has proven to be a beneficial product for users like Caroline and is something I would like to try out. I think investing in a product like this, from a company that truly cares about people’s well-being, is not only beneficial for yourself but also for others and the planet. Aligning my values, especially with the companies of the products I use frequently is deeming to be more and more important to me.