Ladies, brace yourself the time has finally come. Victoria Secret’s ever so popular PINK line has a new collegiate add on, and that isn’t even the best part.
Temple University has debut as PINK’s new varsity line and it is ka-ute!
Temple’s very own Victoria Secret PINK street team @pinktempleu announced the launch of the new line today as a way of ringing in the holidays just a little bit early this year. Did we mention Black Friday is only five days away?!
Temple University students are ecstatic over the announcement with comments overflowing on Instagram. One user @ksutt13 wrote, “I was napping and woke up to the best text ever!”
Temple’s PINK street team have been trying their hardest to get a line for Temple University ever since October when they had their street team designer, Meredith Hebert, mock up a design on what a Temple University line would look like. They even promoted the hashtag: Temple Goes PINK! The discussion about wanting a line for Temple however, was prompted around September after the PINK team put up a tweet saying,
“Penn State & Cincinnati both have lines…Unfortunately for them they don’t have a reason to wear them. #WeWon.”
Needless to say, the want for this line has been obvious for a long time.
The only catch about the new line is that currently the only place you can get these goodies as of now is the PINK store in the King of Prussia Mall in King of Prussia, PA which is about 20-30 minutes from Temple University.
The struggle is real, but the need is even stronger. With our team currently at 8-1 it is up to us as a community to support our team (with some really cute wear of course.) So, gather your friends and make a trip to KOP before the season’s over.
And here’s a huge thank you to our PINK street team for making our dreams come true.