“Terrace House” is a Japanese reality television show unlike any reality television you’ve ever seen! Compared to its American counterpart, “Terrace House” is much milder and less outwardly dramatic. At least for me, American reality TV can feel way too staged and forced. Shows like “Terrace House,” on the other hand, come across as much more natural and pull you into the world of six strangers so easily.
As you may or may not know, the newest season of the series, titled “Terrace House: Tokyo,” came out on Netflix, and the third set of episodes from the latest season have just been released. In the two previous sets of episodes, there have been romantic interests, but no full-fledged couples yet. Will the newest episodes bring love to two lucky participants?
As the hosts introduce the show each week, “‘Terrace House’ is a show about six strangers living together, and we observe how they interact. All that we’ve prepared is a beautiful home and automobiles. There is no script at all.” Basically, six strangers, three women and three men, sign up to live in a house together in hopes of finding love. However, as it turns out, some of the participants may only be there to gain an online following to help boost their careers. In addition to the participants, there is also a guest panel of commentators who add jokes and insight regularly throughout the show, while also adding some cultural context for any international viewers.
The new season begins with the six housemates from the previous season: Haruka, Ruka, Emika, Peppe, Ryo and Hana. Out of these six, only two remain from the start of the whole season in Tokyo: Haruka and Ruka. While I do not want to give any major spoilers, I will say that there will be a whole new cast by the time the most recent season ends.
I think that is the beauty of the show. You get to see each person grow (and eventually move on), not only romantically, but also as a person. Throughout the season, there are highs and lows, but ultimately, “Terrace House” gives some insight into the human character: how we perceive ourselves and others versus how others perceive us, how we interact with others, as well as how we might act when being recorded 24/7. While it may appear on the surface to be a show only about dating and relationships, I believe there is much more to be gained from watching “Terrace House.”